Look for the opportunities

January 10, 2024 | 16 comments

Approach the New Year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day.

~ Michael Josephson

Every day is an opportunity to discover more of God’s goodness at work on your behalf. It’s wise to make the most of it!

16 thoughts on “Look for the opportunities”

    1. Thank you Fay! For the article:”God is the source of light
      And the giver of all”. When we deeply understand this reality , our lives are smoothers and because that realization we can’t stop our spiritual confidence of our existence. I’m grateful for Evan and all at SV.

  1. Thank you Evan, that you assure us that there is much more of God`s infinite Goodness to be explored. SpiritView enlightens my Morning and day – utmost thanks for it!

    Hi Fay, thank you for that great article about Gratitude and God`s allness and goodness – very inspiring to read!

  2. I read a great sentence once, which I will attempt to repeat here: “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities, brilliantly disguised as impossible situations,” (or words to that effect – it’s perhaps imperfectly quoted by me, and is attributed to an evangelical pastor somewhere in Texas.)

    I could relate!

  3. Good (just typed God-perfect mistake!) Morning to you all! God Morning makes sense,
    too. : )
    I was just thinking the other morning how grateful I am to have this wonderful Spiritual View
    to wake up to, with each day a fresh topic that always is so helpful to get the day off to a
    great start. I love finding hidden messages of Christ’s gifts to us throughout the day, also.
    I have started a “Gratitude” jar where I write down things I am grateful for – often little things
    that really are the biggest things in life. For example, two little figurines praying together… a
    very special gift given with such Love. And a “God box” where I write down issues that I put
    my trust in and leave in God’s hands.
    Thank you, dear Evan for this delightful star t to the day, week, year, eternity! And thank you,
    dear Fay, for the great article and to everyone here. Love to you all!

  4. For me the value of Christian Science is that every experience depends upon how it is perceived relating to the fundamental question: Is that which is all presence, power, intelligence or action conflicted in such a way that there are two sides to every story; one bad the other good? What is the purpose of our being if not to demonstrate and be witness to life’s experiences, challenges. If we ignore the value of learning within the human experience to demonstrate and witness faith that the all presence, power, intelligence of good in action then what it is that what is it that we have achieved? Are we by default questioning that which gave us this unique opportunity to experience life and all that accompanies it in the 7 synonyms? I am the expression of what that creator created me to be.

    1. Wonderful dear “J”, thank you very much indeed; and I could listen to this beautiful article!
      And … I need those angel thoughts very much, they are so helpful!!

      Josef, thank you very much indeed for your helpful comment!
      Just also what Grace said – Thank you Evan, I am also very happy to be here and am very blessed!

      Also dear Carol, thank you very much for your very lovely inspirations!

  5. There are visual type puzzles that I think are called Magic Eye where there are hidden
    3 dimensional animals, flowers, etc. within the puzzle that would normally just appear
    to be squiggly lines. If one focuses on them in concentration, they appear. It is like
    the spiritual Truth of things. It may not appear to be True if only seeing the illusion of
    material things surrounding us, but… with intent purpose in trying to see the True
    reality in life, once we realize and “see” the True Being of what may not seem visible at
    first, with demonstrating Spiritual concentration, God’s power and Love become more
    and more Real to us, just as that part of the puzzle is more and more obvious in it’s

  6. Well dear Carol, you see the good in that puzzle. I do know that puzzles, too. But for me it was difficult to see the object in the puzzle, because I had to open my eyes wide and concentrate more like mesmerizmn. Excuse Carol, of course I know exactly what you mean, opening our eyes to see the divine Truth more clearly. Thank you very much that you see and explaine it metaphysically.

    1. I understand completely what you are saying, Uta. It Is a type of optical
      illusion, but sort of proves with mortal mind, that things can be very misleading –
      that railroad tracks do not converge, as they appear to off in to the distance, but
      remain parallel, or a mirage/puddle of water is not really on a road, as it may seem.
      At first glance with the puzzles mentioned, they just appear to be squiggly lines,
      but they were designed to have more of a meaning to them, that is not evident
      by merely looking quickly at them… like we may Appear to be mortals, but we are
      really created by God, even if the outward appearance may not show our innate
      kindness, compassion or other more spiritual qualities. I hope I have clarified a bit
      more what I had meant, but I think you got the gist of my attempt at a spiritual
      viewpoint. Maybe those puzzles are not the best example, coming from the way
      you have rightly mentioned. Writing this out has helped me think it through, so
      thank you for your comment on it.

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