Lose fear of Darth Vader

May 3, 2017 | 13 comments

Are there any Darth Vaders in your life holding your thinking hostage to fear, worry and doubt? Perhaps strife, debt or disease?

I was watching the latest Star Wars movie, Rogue One, and during a scene where Darth Vader appears and starts wreaking havoc and destruction on those around him through his presumably consummate evil powers, I began to tense in my body. I quickly sensed the fearful reaction within, and reversed it with a declaration, “Wait a minute. There is no Darth Vader!”

I realized that the fear and tension I felt was the effect of entertaining an illusion. Darth Vader was a myth, a creation of mortal mind imagination. There was no reality in Darth Vader or in any of his claims. Darth Vader did not even exist. The tension I felt immediately dissolved, and I was in a clear mind.

I find a useful lesson in this experience for any appearance of evil in the human experience. Each is just another type of Darth Vader. It may look real and scary, but it isn’t. In the light of Truth, it’s claims are rendered harmless, and its pretense to place and power vanish.

God is All. God is good, and there is no place or position for evil in any of God’s creation. Jesus Christ proved this with finality as he demonstrated the supremacy of good and the powerlessness of evil to stop his success.

Like a movie begins and ends, so does every temporal phenomenon of the human mind call evil experiences. They have no place or mark in God’s reality. And our life truly is with God, safe and sound in Spirit.

See through the façade of any Darth Vader that appears to be part of your experience. See its unreality by knowing God’s reality, and live free of fear.

“Christian Science brings to light Truth and its supremacy, universal harmony, the entireness of God, good, and the nothingness of evil” Science and Health, p. 293.

13 thoughts on “Lose fear of Darth Vader”

  1. Thank you Evan,
    Your view is just what I needed to find this morning as I reached out in thought and prayer about a current situation.
    Also, Mrs Eddy’s beautiful assurance, “Truth casts out all evils and materialistic methods with the actual spiritual law” S&H 183:26

  2. I truly love this citation from Science and Health. “Christian Science brings to light Truth and its supremacy, universal harmony, the entireness of God, good, and the nothingness of evil” Science and Health, p. 293. This Truth silences all fears in our life.
    Its just plain and simple, that if there is this ENTIRENESS OF GOD, GOOD?? then, is THERE ANY ROOM LEFT FOR STRIFE, DEBT OR DISEASE??? We need not be a genius or have a high level of intelligence to understand this simple logic… That’s the reason why a simple, innocent and pure person is so very receptive to Divine Science, whereas its extremely difficult for educated thought to be receptive to the teachings of Christian Science.
    “False fears are foes, Truth tatters those when understood.” says one of the Hymns.
    If false fears are foes, the precious pearls of Truth contained in “Science and Health” are our best friends and stand by us through thick and thin. We need to ponder over these Truths and cherish them.. One such Truth I ponder and cherish is…”The power of Christian Science and Divine Love is omnipotent. It is indeed adequate to unclasp the hold and to destroy sin, disease and death.” Deeply grateful to Mrs. Eddy for “Science and Health”
    Thanks Evan for the reassurance through your Post today, that GOOD AND GOOD ALONE IS HERE, SO WHY FEAR???

  3. Thank you Evan.
    I just read the weekly lesson sermon “Adam and the falling man”.
    This adam is the evil, and we can read in the fourth paragraph of
    the lesson “The material senses, like Adam, originate in matter
    and return to dust, – are proved non-intelligent.”

    So the evil, Darth Vaders, is nothing but dust and also returns
    to dust.

    Ok, so I do understand that and am very grateful that we
    learn and can prove the nothingness of evil and matter –
    and the allness of Spirit God, who is Love, casting out
    anything which is not from God, the All-Good 🙂

  4. Thanks Evan, I tend to face some of the same reactions and dismiss them from my mind as not to get caught up knowing Divine Love is ever present and mellows my thoughts.

  5. Thank you Evan, I always love your insights, and how you express them.
    We love story telling, and for some reason the scary stories are intriguing, they grab our attention. How nice to remember though that we are wrapped and safe in the love of God!

  6. Right on Evan! The thought came to me this morning while reading the lesson, That knowledge of both good and evil is presented as sin and that evil has no abiding place in good and good needs no evil to define itself as good. Good is self existent and eternal in truth.

    1. thank you, Josef, for those words of Truth you stated so well – helpful! 🙂

  7. We will continue
    with a determination
    so strong, all obstacles
    will be cast aside
    The Temple of stone
    The Temple built
    in silence, shall
    be built stone by stone
    Precept by precept,
    a permanent sacred
    place within,
    A place for contact
    and communion
    with God.

    Banquets of divine
    In the fields of
    our Lord

  8. I remember an early illustration of how the body can react to something it seems to see. A person enters a room. The room is dimly lit. In the corner the person sees what they think is an animal crouched in the corner ready to attack. The person’s body reacts in fear, with an elevated heartbeat, sweating, labored breathing, etc. Another person comes into the room and turns on the light. The animal is just someone’s coat hanging over a chair. I always think of that when I find myself getting caught up in an illusion. there is nothing there.
    thank you for Darth Vader; I will remember this.

  9. Thank you Evan, I too always love your insights, and how you express them. Nadine, your illustration about illusion was wonderful.

  10. Hi Evan. I also can’t help thinking, like when we are scared by the action in a movie, we enjoy the excitement of this even though it often is violent and stressful. It strikes me this is how we often react to much of mortal mind, we often enjoy it as it provides this excitement, drama, etc. I constantly need to check/stop my negative, excited reactions to things that pop up all the time so I don’t become involved in these unreal dramas. It might be the sight of an accident on the road or the angry view of someone to what a politician has done. I’m actually enjoying reversing this view and translating it into a positive more spiritual point of view. In a way isn’t that what most of these movies are trying to portray – not that I’ve seen Rogue 1 yet – that good always defeats evil because deep down that evil person or thing is really good and so on. Like those action figures in the movies I think we too can keep a level head in the face of adversity and fight against the supposed dark force.

    1. Hi Kent,

      You make some very good points! The “dramas” of mortal mind are played out in many more places and scenarios than just the movie theater.

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