Love is Unselfish

August 28, 2014 | 12 comments

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

~ I Corinthians, 13:4-7, NLT

12 thoughts on “Love is Unselfish”

    1. I treasure Eugene Peterson’s translation of this chapter in The Message.
      Sometimes we hear these familiar words so often that they just go in “one ear and out the other”. I appreciate reading different translations.
      Mary Ann

  1. How many times in the 70s and 80s I heard this read at weddings. I think I read it at my sister’s wedding in the 70s. I never heard it until now. thank you.

  2. There is a booklet about what true LOVE is and has nothing to do with the mortal concept. I hope some one reading this can tell me it’s name.

    1. Tobias, you are probably thinking of The Greatest Thing in the World by Henry Drummond.’
      I am the co-librarian at the Reading Room in Toronto, Canada, and if you send me your address at [email protected] I’ll send you a copy.

  3. Thank you for reminding us of this precious scripture. What really hit me this morning is “It is not irritable,” Right now I am caring for a loved one and with your reminder, I realized that when expressing/living love selflessly, we cannot be irritated–the wake up call is truly appreciated!!

  4. Helpful reminder to love, love, love. Thank you.

    A teen in our family and I were talking on this subject recently,
    and he asked “Why love?”

    The answer that came right up: “Because love is what we actually ARE.
    When we “line up” with love, (pure, unselfed love) life works better for us and everyone around us.”

    We ARE patient, we ARE kind, we ARE hopeful, we DO endure….

    OK, I don’t always f-e-e-l “lined-up” with these truths,
    but the Facts of Being remain true. It is very very comforting to me to
    know this, and…there is power in expressing them.

  5. What great love is expressed in the NLT translattion shared by Evan M, and Love relected in love also in the responses regarding Drummond’s great little book, “The Greatest Thing in the World.”

    In response to the question “Why love?”, I add that Love promotes unity instead of division, harmony instead of conflict, life instead of death. Seen this way, it becomes apparent that Love is vital to existence!

  6. Sometimes it is so important to go back and look at what the scriptures tell us Love is.
    Thank you for sharing.

  7. Many years ago I heard someone state, “Love is not a jelly fish . It is as strong as steel.” Love has a backbone. Loved reading these fresh citations.

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