Make peace

August 20, 2024 | 19 comments

Peace is not something you wish for, it is something you make, something you are, something you do and something you give away.

~ Robert Fulghum

19 thoughts on “Make peace”

  1. Reminds me of Jesus promising a peace he gives to us that is so unlike the peace the world tries to give..
    How blessed we are to know God’s gift of peace as we feel close with Him. Father and son. Mind and idea..whole, complete, and satisfied..

  2. Let there be peace on earth, / and let it begin with me. / Let there be peace on earth, / the peace that was meant to be. / With God our creator, we are family. / Let us walk with each other / in perfect harmony.

    Let peace begin with me; let this / be the moment now. / With every step I take, let this / be my solemn vow: / To take each moment and live each / moment in peace eternally! / Let there be peace on earth, / and let it begin with me.
    (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 521:1, 2)

  3. This message gives such a peaceful feeling. Thank you Evan and all. There is a
    story that goes .. that there was a person who had a contest for artists to paint a scene
    that depicted peace … Many artists had sent in varying bucolic, pastoral scenes, all lovely,
    but two entries remained to be chosen as the winner. One was of a smooth lake with
    trees reflecting like a mirror with a flock of sheep grazing undisturbed. But the winner was
    of a turbulent waterfall, with water cascading, with storm clouds, lightning, wind and rain,
    but amidst it all, was a bird’s nest with a bird sitting calmly and peacefully on it’s nest.
    That, like peace within, amidst a chaotic seeming world is what we can experience when
    we tune out the din of worldly temptations to believe in, and turn to quiet, true peace …
    our Father/Mother’s Love for all of us.

    1. Thank you so much, dear Angel, for reminding me of that story – it is so helpful for me now,
      and is a very powerful image to think of that little bird singing while all the turbulence
      was going on around him. He knew there was nothing to fear, and he just continued to sing

      1. So glad you found the story helpful, dear Maggie. I thought of it as
        soon as I saw Evan’s prompt – “Peace is something you make, you are,
        you do and something you give away”. Birds have a gentle way of
        doing all of that with their singing and joy they express. Like they
        prepare a nest for their hatchlings and feed and comfort them, shelter
        them from harm, our Father/Mother God also does for each of us. As I
        am typing this, there is a sweet hummingbird on the flowers on the deck.

        1. I have had another look and red of these comments this morning, and discovered
          your further thoughts – these are really lovely, Angel, and very inspiring for me,
          and I just love humming birds. I remember first seeing them when we had a
          holiday in the States many years ago, and I was so enthralled by them. So
          beautiful – God’s wonderful handiwork. I love all the birds too, and I watched
          blue tits building a nest just outside our window one year, and saw the whole process right through to the baby birds emerging form the nest and the parent watching over them and encouraging them to take flight. It was wonderful.
          The birds teach us so many lovely things about God and His Creation. Thank
          you again, and bless you, Angel.

  4. I love what you mentioned above, John Q, about Jesus and peace. I believe it is
    from John 14: 27, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world
    giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
    I had seen a mention of eagles and I’m not sure how true it is, but it says that “when
    a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. But the eagle Avoids the storm by
    flying Above it … So, in the storms of life… may your heart soar like an eagle”.

    Thank you, too, Maggie, for sharing that lovely hymn.

    1. That is also very helpful to me, dear Carol. Soaring above the turmoil where all is
      calm and beautiful. Thank you.


    Sweet Peace
    Music and Lyrics by Rebecca Minor

    I wake up to a new day,
    Right then I face a choice:
    To let my heart be troubled,
    Or listen for your voice.
    Darkness and confusion may extend a beckoning hand,
    But you have left this precious gift so I would understand
    That sweet peace is mine.

    What you teach I ponder
    And deeply search within.
    You help me see the falsehood
    Of sickness, death and sin.
    What this world can offer cannot possibly compare
    With life in spirit you’ve designed, this joyful journey where
    Sweet peace is mine.

    Fear, you’ll try to win me back.
    You’ll boast of pain, you’ll tempt with lack.
    But there is nothing you can do
    To make a lie true.
    Send me trouble, give me grief;
    You’ll only strengthen my belief.
    Nothing in this masquerade
    Can make my heart afraid.

    For sweet peace is mine.
    In your love I find my sweet peace of mind.
    Sweet peace is mine.

    © Copyright Rebecca Minor 2010

    1. Thank you Carolyne for the video and for the full song lyrics of Sweet Peace.. It was lovely and calming…and sweet. Hymns and songs can often reach us in a deeper, more intimate and immediate way. After listening to the song I noticed on screen that the name of the album is ‘Because God Loves Us.’ Somehow that brought tears to my eyes.

    2. Thank you Carolyne for posting the video and the words of the song. I needed this today and found it very helpful. I love the thought of “song, sermon, or Science” being a help to us.

    3. This is absolutely beautiful, Carolyne. Thank you. And very touching
      what you had written, Rose. God Does love us! How peacefully
      sweet that is to experience.

  6. Oh, today, will be the day which will be as an eagle, staying above the storm, soaring, knowing God will keep me ever in His blessed way. All trials and tribulations can not change me, while I am safe and in God’s care.

    1. Love your comment Chilesands. Let’s all rise as eagles above the seeming storms. God lifts us and keeps us up there, we can’t do it ourselves humanly. If we can look and see the storm down below us that proves it is not us, it is other, not touching our true Being.

      Evan thanks for the message on Peace. It’s what everyone says they want. Outer peace in the world is a reflection of inner peace, peace of Mind, that is ours from God. The inner spiritual work is where it all happens if we want to see it manifesting around us.

      Anxiety, which seems so prevalent, is the opposite of Peace. Definition: “a feeling of worry, nervousness, unease, agitation typically about an imminent event or something with an Uncertain outcome.”

      I noticed that word ‘uncertain.’ But God’s allness and love and care for us are certain and reliable.

      I’m re-reading The Gentle Art of Blessing by Pierre Pradervand, which I first discovered here on SV. I just bought a copy for a friend who I thought would appreciate it. Powerful book, talk about peace!

  7. For all the music lovers, the song “Let There Be Peace on Earth” lyrics by Jill Jackson, music by Sy Miller (her husband) can be heard on your search engine and. Is sung by Vince Gill and his young daughter. It is such a beautiful, soul-filled and calming rendition! Hope you anjoy as I do

  8. We have peace of mind because we have the peace of the One Mind!

    I love considering this each day as I work with a synonym and its qualities. Peace is a quality of Mind that we have built in by our loving Father Mother God. Peace is Divine Love putting all in order, preserving it. One of the definitions I love for the word preserve is “maintain in its original state”. Our original state is God’s perfect idea, spiritual, complete and free.

    This passage from Science and Health page 306 came immediately to mine, as I was reading through these comments again today “Undisturbed amid the jarring testimony of the material senses, Science, still enthroned, is unfolding to mortals the immutable, harmonious, divine Principle, — is unfolding Life and the universe, ever present and eternal.”

    Thank you all for sharing such wonderful insights and especially Evan for the healing thoughts you share every day!

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