Make the right choice

February 26, 2025 | 26 comments

Choices have consequences.  The better the choice, the better the effect!

In this vlog, I share how making the choice to love rather than get angry and mad brought quick healing when attacked by a colony of wasps. 

This vlog was filmed at Cedar Breaks National Monument, in Utah, September 2024.

26 thoughts on “Make the right choice”

  1. This is really wonderful. It’s that when you put your complete trust in God, whever the seeming material situation, ever present Love is always there to comfort us.

  2. Thank you Evan. Such an important message.
    I had an experience with just one wasp stinging me. I was just off to school to pick my son up.
    as I sat in the car my whole arm swelled up and was painful. What came to me was a message from our textbook; ‘All of God’s creatures, moving in the harmony of Science are harmless, useful, indestructible. S&H 514:28-30. The swelling and the pain disappeared as quickly as it came.
    Only one wasp but still a significant, memorable healing.
    Thank you for reminding me.

    1. Thank you, Anne – certainly every demonstration of the healing power of Christian Science, is very
      significant, and needs to be shared. Since your arm seemed to swell, you were able to
      see the Science in action as the false evidence disappeared so quickly with your affirmation
      of the spiritual fact.. And as we witness these evidences in action, we are strengthened and reassured that we can always trust in God and the teachings of Christ Jesus whatever the material challenges we face. How wonderful is that to know!

  3. What a wonderful fast healing !!! I am always so impressed with your constant positivity and calm divine logic in the face of everything! A good lesson to be learned !

  4. Thank you very much for sharing your experience, Evan. It has reminded me of a similar attack from
    wasps a number of years ago, which I included in an article which was published in a CS Journal. I have extracted the appropriate section and will paste it below.

    ” Here is one of the ways that I have been able to put these healing laws into practice in my own life. I had been digging a patch at the bottom of the garden when I happened to stick the gardening fork into a wasps’ nest, which, of course, I didn’t know was there. Immediately out came the angry wasps, who flew straight at me, stinging me, covering my arms, and getting into my hair.
    God is always taking care of all of His spiritual ideas, none of which can harm each other.
    My first thought was to run back to the house, and whilst trying to brush away the wasps, and in pain, I turned to God for help. “The scientific statement of being” came into my thought. This statement is found in Science and Health and begins: “There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all” (p. 468). I considered this whole statement over and over again as I was running to the house. This truth is very powerful, and it reminded me that God was right there with me and was in control of His spiritual kingdom, which includes all of us, at every moment. I had to know that just as I was innocent of any intention to harm these creatures or disturb their home, they were also innocent, so I did not have to feel upset at them. God is always taking care of all of His spiritual ideas, none of which can harm each other.
    When I got to the door, I put my hands through my hair to get rid of all the remaining wasps, and then went straight up to my bedroom to continue praying. I felt I needed to get really calm and pray to feel God’s love right there with me, and it came to me to pray with Psalm 23, which begins, “The Lord is my shepherd.” I thought about each verse and prayed to let the love this psalm exudes fill my consciousness.
    I prayed for a couple of hours that afternoon, and the pain from the stings diminished as I began to feel more fully the presence and power of God’s love. After a while I had the clear thought that I should go back downstairs and carry on as normal. I did this, and then the remaining discomfort completely left me.
    The next morning, I could find no marks of any kind from the stings, either on my head, on my arms, or on my hands. I was completely restored. I had utilized the spiritual laws that I had learned in Christian Science, and my thought had been filled with the spirit of love that is ours as God’s, divine Love’s, reflection. I saw in operation the law of God, of Truth and Love, which healed me.”
    (from CS Journal January 2016)

        1. Thank you very much, Maggie for reading your whole article. It’s a delight to listen to your nice and clear voice. It sounds as if you are from Australia, very lovely! Your article contains very clear metaphysics, thank you very much indeed!
          And thank you, Robert for Maggie’s whole articlr from the CS Journal!

          Thanks dear Evan for your lovely Vlog.
          My experience was without a sting but nice for me. Just like Maggie, I found an earth wasps nest under the lawn of my garden. But the matter was that meanwhile I love the bees a lot because I learned how important bees are for our oeco system. And I planted as much plants the bees favor as possible in my garden. And I like to watch them humming in the blossoms and the beauty of bees and wasps!

          It’s so interesting and inspiring to listen to Evans Vlog and read your comments with the wonderful testimonies. Thank you again very very much for it! ♡
          I am so grateful that God lead me into Christian Science, this wonderful Science of Love! ❤️

          1. Thank you, Uta, for your kindly remarks about the article. I am glad
            you found it clearly metaphysical and helpful. But, no! – I am not
            from Australia. I did have a lot of Australian friends, and I may have
            picked up a slight inflection of the accent which you have detected.
            Blessings and love, MaggieMagg.

  5. What a wonderful healing Evan…and Anne and Maggie. It’s just testament to the action of Love and Truth .Gods power over all .
    The only time I’ve encountered wasps was up in the highlands when we discovered a nest that was abandoned and it was the most beautiful insect made home I’ve seen….intricate and quite stunning.❣️

    Ps Evan’s vlogs are the nearest thing to a foreign holiday for me these days…long may they last.B.x

  6. When I was a child of 10 over half a century ago I was stung many times by bees that I had unknowingly disturbed while playing in the woods. My mother helped me turn my thought to forgiveness of the bees. And that mental state of calm and love brought about my quick healing. Together we wrote the experience into a testimony that was published in one of the first publications with articles by or about children of Christian Science families. “Picnics, Pine Needles and Peanut Butter” included my experience titled, “Forgive the Bees” Some Reading Rooms may still have the small book. It was a turning point where the Christin Science Publishing Society began to highlight the spiritual needs of children with the many publications that followed.

      1. Thank you, dear J and RobertH. A lovely article. Being only two more
        days left in the month and not having used up my “free” article, I
        had seen it in J’s link : ) but have always appreciate the extended
        shareable links, when provided.

    1. Thank you, J, for this article – I remember reading it many years ago, and it comes to me
      fresh now and speaks to me more clearly. It is excellent.

  7. So wonderful that you have taken us along to the Grand Canyon, dear Evan and a
    lovely and quick healing you shared. Thank you and to all who have shared above.
    Basking in the readings of it all is heartwarming indeed. Throughout the years, being
    out in nature and amongst the flowers and the bees, I have had many opportunities
    to see these expressions of God’s innocent beings as harmless and actually helpful
    in the symbiotic harmony that they sweeten life with. “When the flower blooms, the
    bee comes uninvited” (- Author Unknown) ..
    And Mrs. Eddy writes in Miscellany, ” Keep yourselves busy with divine Love. Then
    you will be toilers like the bee, always distributing sweet things which, if bitter to
    sense, will be salutary as Soul …”
    We are all busy bees in Spirit and in Truth and Love and Mind and Principle and Life
    and Soul… where we live and have our being.

  8. I may have shared this before but it, too, is an encounter with wasps–I had finished some pool maintenance & was headed unto the house; I walked under the pool slide and suddenly it felt as though I was being shot in the back! About a dozen sharp stings in rapid succession hit as I rushed to the door, stripping off my tee shirt as I went–thank goodness for the privacy fence! I ran upstairs to the bedrrom & just sat for a moment–I was new in CS, but the thought came to me from Genesis that everything that He had made was very good so how could these creatures be otherwise? The pain stopped immediately, there was no swelling or red spots. It was a wonderful demonstration of Truth.

  9. Lovely, Nan. Thank you for sharing your experience also.It is so lovely to hear
    so many testimonies about one of God’s creatures and know they are never
    to be feared, because all of God’s creatures are harmless, as the Bible shows us.
    Even the biggest creatures, like gorillas, for example, were proved to be gentle
    creatures, as discovered by David Attenborough. They can look very threatening,
    but when we understand God made absolutely everything, including all creatures, there can be nothing that could harm us. Our God is all good. .

  10. I also has a similar experience. There was a huge wasps nest at the side of my house. It had to be removed but I didn’t want to harm the wasps. I went out after dark with a broom to just knock the nest down. But when I did. I was suddenly covered, face neck and arms. with stinging wasps. I did not want my husband or children to be alarmed so I started walking around the block and knowing the wasps were only protecting their home and I just felt the most powerful feeling of Love for these sweet little creatures. I just kept loving them as I walked. When I got around the block and went into the house, there was no sign of any stings or any feeling of them. My family was not aware that anything had happened. I am so grateful to know we all, including tiny insects, are God’s creations and all He creates is good.

  11. Here’s a link to Orah’s article (I think) from “Picnics, Pine Needles and Peanut Butter” which is available on JSHOnline. When you click on this link you get a two-part article and I think Orah’s bee sting healing is the second part… so you have to go past the first story to get to the second story/testimony. But the first part is excellent too so I’d highly recommend reading it.

    1. You found it! But it’s hard to tell when first article ends and second starts as there is not title, Forgive the Bee” also it has my then name of Deborah! Now it’s just Orah. You are a good sleuth Robert!

  12. A shout out to RobertH for so lovingly attaching articles for additional inspiration. Thank you! 🙂

    A message to P from yesterday’s blog about Truth. I remember a lecture by Alexandre Fischer in which he talked about Jesus’ saying, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” He said another way of looking at it is “Ye shall know the truth AKA “reality” (reality = that life is entirely spiritual) and that will make you free.

  13. Thank you so much Evan for sharing beautiful & quick healing. Perfect Love melts every kind of evil like anger, hatred , fear & so on. Thanks Evan

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