If money were no object

December 2, 2013 | 7 comments

If money were no object, how would your life be different?

Here’s a three minute video with some thought-provoking perspective on the subject.

“What if money was no object?”

7 thoughts on “If money were no object”

  1. The lead question is important.
    But Watts is overlooking the middle ground where we must BALANCE practicality with satisfying purpose in our lives. It’s simplistic to frame it as EITHER/OR, . . . when in fact it is
    BOTH, … & MORE !

    In my 30 yrs. of college teaching I saw more&more kids taking Watts advice, but failing to get the transferable job skills & habits they needed to afford the life-style they decided they wanted.

    The essential decision & skill is to live a purposeful life, with balance and capacity to serve others as well as your own narcissism. Note the CSMonitor series of People Who Make a Difference, and the satisfaction they find.

    One can effectively demonstrate adequate “$upply” without being so obsessed as to exclude creative, animated individualism and joyful actualization.

  2. Thank you bill kilgour for your Insight on a most important question and answer. You have expressed most clearly what is vital for me, to ask God what my Purpose is daily and to follow His lead!
    For several years I worked with people of very humble means in Peru. It was a JOY to see their individual progress and to know that Our Father was/is and always will be in charge, Love expressing love. For some reason God had placed me amongst these dear ones. In helping them, I too, was being helped…Blessed! I continue to know that each moment they are in my thoughts and prayers, the JOY, HOPE, LOVE we shared continues to Bless all. …why? because GOD never stops Loving, Supporting and joyfully knowing the Truth about His creation. …all Good! Spiritual! Perfect.
    In quietness I continue to listen for God’s guiding hand, and OH! MY!, then Our Purpose unfolds and “heaven on earth” is seen more clearly, moment by moment. Yes, we Can Make a Difference!

    Thank you Evan, for bringing this subject to light.

  3. Bill, I loved your comments. Thank you. I still ask myself these questions and wish that I had found a strong love of this or that. If I had a strong talent I think the choice or desires might have been different. As we get older we become more realistic and less naïve. I am really satisfied just as I am but sorry I couldn’t be more instead of just ok.

  4. Thanks for this video! It’s hard for me to decide what I like to do, especially because I am working on some health problems that limit my activity. So what I’d like isn’t always possible at the moment. I am definitely turning to God for guidance.

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