Musical Inspiration

January 7, 2014 | 18 comments

Here’s a short upbeat video that will get you singing on a positive note today.


“I Will Follow Him”

18 thoughts on “Musical Inspiration”

  1. Oh joy! And nothing can keep us away from HIS love, that’s for sure! Thanks, Evan, what a perfect way to start a perfect day…with that declaration of absolute allegiance to the Father of the universe!

  2. And I thought I couldn’t get up and “going” this morning?! Truly an angel was here, encouraging me otherwise. 😀

    1. Wonderful, Evan, thanks for brightening up the morning for us. Love the stained glass windows and seeing all those happy people loving God!

  3. Loved this song done this way years ago in the movie “Sister Act” and it is wonderful to have so many people today hear the inspiring words so beautifully sung. Thank you Evan.

    1. Loved it in Sister Act, and this is even better. What a joyful beginning to the day – so uplifting! It even drew family members in from other rooms to enjoy it. You hit a home run with this one, Evan. Thanks!

  4. Oh, glorious day!!!! We just got back from family court to this uplifting fun way to keep God in our hearts! Thank you, Evan for your continued special ways to keep us inspired in God!!!! We look forward to each day to see what is in store for us! Again, thanks for the Angel messages.

  5. This is why I love singing in a choir. When you can get the audience as enthusiastic as theirs was it is totally heavenly. I’m going to ask my choir director if she could send it out by email.

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