Neutralize the doubts

June 17, 2016 | 23 comments

I was talking with a practicing Christian Scientist who lived in the same home as another family member who didn’t believe in God, didn’t believe in prayer, and didn’t believe there was anything to Christian Science. This person was struggling with doubts about her capacity to heal through prayer.

After hearing her story, I told her those doubts she was entertaining were not her doubts, but the projected beliefs of this other person in her home into her thinking, and that she would be wise to metaphysically neutralize them to protect herself from being mentally dragged down by them.

She was a very spiritually minded individual. She understood God. She knew how to pray. She had a record of dozens of significant healings over the years through prayer. There was nothing wrong with her ability to continue demonstrating the spiritual truth that which she loved and understood so well. But those nagging doubts were getting in the way.

Once she recognized the source of her doubt, she experienced transformation overnight. Her joy returned. Her confidence was back. She was praying successfully once again and finding the healing she sought.

I love this story because it illustrates how oftentimes the doubts we feel are not our doubts at all. They are coming from outside our thinking, and because we let our mental guard down, they sneak into thought and start parading as our own thought.

But we can be wise to this type of mental activity. We can defend ourselves from any type of outside mental influence by being clear that the one Mind alone influences our thinking and holds sway over the conclusions we draw.

The one Mind always sees the good, believes in the good, knows the good and demonstrates the good. There is no doubt in divine Mind. There is no confusion there, no uncertainty, no waning and wavering of conviction. The one Mind knows the truth, understands the truth, believes the truth and proves the truth. This Mind is your Mind, the only Mind, and there is no other.

So any time you start to doubt, worry or fear, it’s time to get realigned with the one Mind. And it can help to also be clear that no other so-called human mind or mortal mind, can have any sway over your thinking. “Come out and be separate,” the apostle Paul extorted.

You don’t need to say anything to others around you that may doubt the presence of God or the ability of prayer to heal. That’s not necessary, because they are not the problem. Any so-called problem is only a belief that there is a problem. And that belief can be handled silently with spiritual truth that has the capacity to evaporate that false belief into its native nothingness.

23 thoughts on “Neutralize the doubts”

  1. I agree with Diane, “perfect! just what I need today and everyday”. Self doubt tries to creep in to say this is a lot of work daily and exactly how do I do this? This to the point and clear in how to see the error and how to work through it. Thanks Evan. 🙂

  2. Thank you, Evan! This is what came to me: “Know then that you possess sovereign power to think and act rightly and that nothing can dispossess you of this divine inheritance, nor trespass on Love.” Mary Baker Eddy.

    1. That’s good Bevi!! So often others doubts feel as if they can encroach on our confidence that true correct understanding of God is valuable and necessary.

  3. Thank you Evan that is SO helpful and SO well put.
    I love your blog – always find something that helps, inspires and cheers me onwards …

  4. Yes, thank you so much! Very helpful for my own clearing and understanding … especially when praying about recent events in the news.

  5. And extremely helpful reminder. Thank you so much for this and all of the good thoughts you generously share.

  6. The most wonderful thought there is is that I am only responsible for my thinking not others.

  7. Thank you so much for showing me that it is only my own thought that I have to control, not the other persons. Whatever he thinks never negates the Truth that divine Mind imparts to me. We need not be afraid of his thoughts for they are not ours. We are the reflection of the divine Mind and the thoughst of that Mind are ours. We can know nothing else.
    Thank you Bevi for your very powerful statement of Truth; it gives me a good foundation to heal this belief of more than one Mind in my home.
    Much gratitude and love for this community,

  8. When a right idea comes to thought and you follow it as best as you understand, other’s say it won’t work and list so many reasons why, its easy to fall into the trap smothering out the right idea. I’ll holding fast to your presentation today. Big Thanks.

  9. Thank you Evan for all of your teachings. Centering Mind on God and Divine Love guides the way. Many healings have happened over this last year. Handling things silently with spiritual prayer is the answer.

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