Never give up

March 9, 2016 | 14 comments

“Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.”

~ Dean Karnazes, ultramarathon runner

14 thoughts on “Never give up”

  1. Thats just what I need presently, thanks awfully, dear Evan – Mrs Eddy n e v e r gave up – she is really our model – am grateful for what she did for us all!

  2. Yes, keep recognizing God as the only reality. Your healing will come, and in the mean time, you are helping the world to find this beautiful Truth.

  3. Thank you once again Evan!!
    And thanks to Uta and Bud! Yes, never give up to find
    healing: revealing what God has already done!

  4. Never give up expressing Love, never give up knowing the Truth, never give up opening your thought to Light, never give up Studying and Praying, never give up Being the child of God…….!!!!!!

  5. Thank you Evan! A timely reminder that the principle of Growth is the root of all life. Have yet to hear a baby robin cry out in frustration that it can’t fly!

  6. Thank you so much for the strength of spirit the message has given me at this particular time.
    Never give up!! Again I am grateful indeed!!

  7. Never giving up was a lesson that took me a long time to learn in regard to countering erroneous suggestions about myself and others. At first I would counter the negative suggestion with the truth. But then if the negative suggestion returned, or if the evidence of the problem didn’t change, I would get frustrated and give in to the negative suggestion/admit the problem was real. The result was no healing.

    In more recent years I’ve learned to ignore the evidence and stick to the truth no matter how many times I need to counter the negative suggestion. I’ve even learned to take comfort in the mere fact I know the truth is true…and therefore it is inevitable that the truth will be manifested in my experience. But like a plant, the truth first needs to be firmly rooted in consciousness before it blooms into fruition. So now I focus more on what is happening in my thinking versus focusing on outward evidence.

    For example, I like to garden. But when I first started gardening, I noticed sometimes I would plant a seed and it would sprout but then it didn’t show much signs of growth for a while. I would get fearful that the sprout was going to die. But then eventually it would start growing. I eventually learned that during that time there didn’t seem to be any visible growth, the roots were growing and strengthening underground to produce “visible” growth. The same is true when we plants seeds of truth in thought. Sometimes there doesn’t seem to be much visible growth, but if we trust the truth and keep nurturing it in thought, without worrying about the outward appearance, we will relax and eventually see the outward signs manifested in our experience!

  8. Thanks Evan for the quote, and all the responders for the insightful comments!

    No matter how thing seem, God is always present and active. As Brian said, progress is happening constantly, even when the appearance asserts it’s not!

    On the gardening theme: once I picked up a large schefflera plant someone had left outside my office building. Most of its leaves were dead. I took it home, and cut off all the dead leaves. When I was done there were only three leaves left! But I felt there was still life there, so I carefully watered it and cared for it. Then two of the three remaining leaves fell off. I decided it was time to let it go, so I set it out in my yard and stopped watering it.

    After some time I noticed that it was starting to come back. I started watering it again, and pretty soon it became a thriving and full plant!

    Moral of the story: do the work, then let go – God will take care of the rest!

  9. The reason error seems to win is only because Truth is revealing it more fully so that we as human beings with even the slightest understanding of Spiritual Truth can finally annialate it forever. This is truley our reason for existing. To expose error, annialate it and finally bring to Earth peace, good will to men.

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