You Are Never Less Than Another

March 21, 2014 | 7 comments

Have you ever been tempted to believe that you are of lesser significance than someone around you?

Maybe your neighbor earns more money than you do, comes up with answers quicker, is more attractive, plays the sport better, or talks bigger. Whatever the reason for feeling less, if it’s matter-based, it’s time to drop it!

You are a spiritual child of God will equal standing to all other children of God.

God did not create one child to be more than another. We all express the same God, and thus have the same worth, value and significance to enjoy and reflect.

It’s best to not compare yourself to another in a material way. What you perceive in matter is not their individuality. It’s a temporal distraction. And the same rule applies to you. What you believe to be true about yourself from a material perspective is not your individuality either. It’s temporal shortsightedness.

So, go to God’s image to see what is true about your identity, and your neighbor’s. The view in Spirit is grand!

In God’s eyes, we’re all equal, worthy and loved without limit. There are no mortal comparisons to entertain.

“Comparisons are odorous.” Shakespeare

7 thoughts on “You Are Never Less Than Another”

  1. Reminds me of one of my favorite declarations about myself:

    I am not who other people think I am.

    I am not what I believe myself to be.

    I am what God knows me to be, and what he foreknows he foreordains, and it must be fulfilled.

  2. The digit number one has the same value to mathematics as does any other number with the same name or with a different name, even one spoken in another tongue or language. Each with its own individuality fills its own space, doing its assigned activity at its designated place in the balance of the particular equation. That’s it’s value no matter how many times it appears on stage or off stage. So it is with both you and me. We are now seeing perhaps for the first time numbers in trillions, but they always existed and were ready to be used or known to us and by us, but their value had the same importance to mathematics’ then as it does now. Their unchanging value remains constant to one forever principle. So is it with the reflected image and likeness of Spirit, God that is spoken of as man. That man with all of God’s bestowed infinite gifts is without comparison as he expresses totality and equality known to the one God, also referred to as divine Mind.

    Isn’t that little boy precious and huggable? His reflection is telling us so. God/Love does love His reflection. Which of us could not?

  3. I just had that experience just last week with my son. He thought that I had made a grand mistake so bad that I, bed bound and all that with 24/7 Nurse Aide care, could wound up losing every penny of my worth. Thou he is under tremendous pressure at home and work, to not to let him know that losing it with a vicious temper tantrum is never the way to go. He wanted me to feel less than he is, and I did for the moment until I realized it was just mortal mind handling him. Never argue with mortal mind for you won’t get anywhere, but wait until a milder state of consciousness takes over and you will win.

  4. That picture is priceless. I have the same reaction when I look in the mirror but I’m a little further “down the road” than that baby. Thanks, Evan. Thanks to the posters too!

  5. We count our blessings daily, as we know, who we are, where we are and monitor out thinking. We are not subject to those material things that tempt us. We are God’s children and we share the love for all things that improve our spiritual existence.

    Love God and Love your neighbor.

  6. Thanks Tobias for that wise advice on dealing with someone who throws temper tantrums. I love the ideas of not arguing with mortal mind, and waiting patiently for a milder state of thought for communication.

  7. Oh, thank you Evan!
    I needed to read that this week! Have been in two separate meetings where I came away comparing myself to others in a way that put myself down.
    As often as one reaffirms that one is God’s child made in the image and likeness of God, the self-deprecating argument tries to creep in.
    While reading your most helpful blog I was reminded of how I handled a similar argument years ago, when I had been working at my profession for 5 or 6 years. While reading a publication of the college I had graduated from, I noticed that several classmates had received good promotions and/or accolades. While I rejoiced in their progress, I started to feel badly that I was still doing the same kind of work which I loved, but no promotions had been offered. Then I read in Miscellany p. 196 “We must resign with good grace what we are denied, and press on with what we are, for we cannot do more that we are nor understand what is not ripening in us. to do good to all because we love all, and to use in God’s service the one talent we all have, is our only means of adding to that talent and the best way to silence a deep discontent with our shortcomings.”

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