New blog design coming!

September 27, 2013 | 4 comments

I’m happy to announce that soon you’re going to see a whole new look and design on SpiritView.

For years, I’ve wanted to combine my two web sites, and into one, and now my hope is being realized. All information of both sites will be combined into one unified whole that makes it easy to navigate from one page to the other.

I’m moving the sites from Blogger to WordPress, which offers several advantages. One, the most notable, is comments should be much easier to leave on the blog. So, I expect lots of comments from you all!

Watchfire New Media is doing the work, and I hope you enjoy the new website. It will be a learning experience.


4 thoughts on “New blog design coming!”

  1. Thank you , Evan, for any which way you desire to communicate your ideas. They are always a pure gift and I am so grateful you so generously and graciously pour out such wonderful gifts. Looking forward to your new site too. with much love and gratitude.

  2. Oh Evan, you can do no wrong for us adoring followers! And we follow you because
    you are so closely following Truth! I may miss you very very cheerful, joyful, smiling
    face, but, hey, I put a California Poppy in place of my internet face. We are ideas, after all!
    (But I still do enjoy seeing faces of love-ly readers and commenters, too.)

    With much love and gratitude for years of SpiritView (so far!!!), and
    looking forward to the next SpiritView Adventure!

    :<))) Sue Krevitt

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