
September 23, 2013 | 14 comments

If you live and listen to the media in the United States, the word “Obamacare” pops up in the news on a daily basis.

The label refers to “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” a massive legislated health reform effort underway by the US government to reform the healthcare system of the country.

Opinions about whether the country should have Obamacare or not are often heated, to say the least, and the populace is far from united on the subject.

Aside from the politics, merits and demerits of the program, I found it useful in my own prayers to be clear about what kind of system I was looking to for the finest health possible.

Was it going to be Obamacare or a variation of government oversight that gave me the best options?

I had to go higher.

Government programs can have their usefulness, but they also can come up short of meeting the real need, or go too far into usurping individual liberty and rights of conscience. Finding a balance can be tough for politicians and policy-makers to agree on.

One day while reading the news, the phrase, “I’m under God’s care!” stamped itself into my thought with an exclamation point of heaven’s approval.

From that point on, I made a conscious decision to stay mentally enrolled in “Godcare” no matter what happened with the government, and to seek out a deeper understanding of what it meant to be under divine care.

Millions of people find the term Obamacare endearing and use it readily in the positive. Millions of other people rage over the term and turn red-hot over its use. But I find it helpful to go higher, to my Source, and remember where true health comes from.

It originates in God, the source of all strength, wellness, vitality, safety, protection and health. God is the ultimate Provider, Physician, and Caretaker.  The more the population understands this to be true and makes decisions informed by it, the better our government programs will be.

In the meantime, though, whatever happens with the government, I’m staking my future on the care I get from God. Government programs come and go, but God’s care is forever present. I can always count on it. And the benefits are beyond anything that can be purchased, traded or exchanged with money.

Godcare. That’s the number one program in which to enlist!

14 thoughts on ““Obamacare””

  1. Thanks Evan for writing on a subject that as you say can be incendiary. The tentacles of government intrusion into our personal lives and choices is a sobering issue for sure. It behooves us to stay alert and awake and not get pulled into being “taken care” of by a system that denies the efficacy of Christian healing in favor of “approved” medical approaches. Having someone in a government office make decisions about my healthcare isn’t all that appealing to me. I want God to be my Physician. Standing up for Christian healing in a secular health system is going to require grit and alertness.

  2. Thank you for sharing your helpful thoughts on this issue! In Switzerland we have compulsory health insurance for everyone since 1994. And of course it’s only for medical care… Your blog is very helpful,indeed!
    Thank you Evan!

  3. I always appreciate having my attention refocused to the spiritual. Thank you!

    If it becomes necessary for me to purchase insurance (I’d prefer that to paying a penalty for NOT having insurance) I think of it as my contribution to helping others acquire what they feel they need.

    I know Mrs Eddy donated to hospitals and always looked for ways to lift the burdens of others around her.

  4. I prefer Obama care coverage for ‘hospitalization’ at any of the Christian Science network of accredited nursing care facilities: these facilities, remember, are already being referred to as: ‘qualifying hospitals’ by major Insurance Companies. Also I prefer Obama care coverage for the attending Christian Science practitioner, the ‘metaphysician’ as it were, those individuals on duty where the medicine of Mind is employed. Another route would be a full exemption on religious grounds. However, the other hospitals owned/operated by institutions of faith (ie). Cedar Sinai, (Jews) Valley Presbyterian, Lutheran General, Loma Linda (Church of Seventh-day Adventists) Catholic network of participating hospitals, etc. etc. they all claim to be doing ‘God’s work’ too. These various institution’s and physician’s relience on the (quote) ‘intelligent use’ of drugs, where as the Christian Scientist system relies on intelligence itself, divine Mind, for its healing practice. Mind healing, it’s ‘God care’ too, the pure nature and application of Life’s divine Science. I can’t wait to see how all this coverage shakes out for all concerned, and I just knew we were all saying the same things regarding health care and coverage needs.

  5. I am praying daily to know God
    is the supply for our business.
    Obamacare is going to mean a
    financial burden on our medium
    size business. The emotional
    toll and uncertaining has also
    been heavy.

  6. Even if I wasn’t a C/S, OBAMACARE turns me off because it forces us to pay for it and if we don’t, a penalty is charged as if we were criminals. In fact, to my thought it’s a threat, “How dare you get sick, you criminal, YOU!

  7. Thank you for these words, Evan! Every reminder helps. One statement that is most reassuring to me, and which I am working with lately is: Spirit cannot be held in the grasp of matter. Let’s all keep the collective spiritual work going!

  8. It’s important to keep this issue in public thought – looking for alternatives to a failing system of health care. Have we really considered the possibility of GodCare?

  9. Thank you Evan – great way to express relying on God for health – Godcare! Just now a comparison came to thought that made me laugh out loud. What if we could not use mathematical numbers without numeric figure health insurance? Or what if we could not use musical notes without musical notation insurance? Those two ideas are ridiculous because understanding math and music principles is all that’s needed to insure “healthy” numeric figures and musical notes. Christian Science discovers man as a spiritual idea that emanates from divine Love as Principle. Understanding the principle of divine Love takes care of human figures just as surely as understanding the principle of mathematics takes care of numeric figures.

  10. The word “mandate” means an authoritative order or command, especially a written one.

    “Anonymous,” who said that Mary Baker Eddy donated to hospitals and lifted the burdens of others made a correct statement. But Eddy did not give to charitable causes because it was mandated by someone else. She did it from her heart.

    America has always been known for giving to others from her own free will. That is the strength and beauty of true love and caring for those in need; not forced redistribution of the nation’s wealth. It’s important to understand the difference.

    In his comments, Tobias A. Weissman has it exactly right.

    Godcare transcends it all. A beautiful idea to share. Thank you.

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