Protected from the sins of others 

November 14, 2024 | 14 comments

Do you ever feel like you’re suffering for the sins of others? Perhaps a family member brings anger into the home, and you get upset about it.  Maybe a colleague at work makes mistakes that impact the quality of your

Think out of the box

November 13, 2024 | 22 comments

Are you thinking “out of the box” today? In common parlance, the “box” refers to limited thinking, thinking that is stuck in old patterns, finite views, outgrown theories. In metaphysics, the “box” is matter.  Matter is a finite concept of

Focus on Truth, not error

November 12, 2024 | 25 comments

Do you ever feel like you must work extra hard to get rid of a problem? Maybe you’re facing a diagnosis of disease, a relationship conflict, financial lack, or feelings of hopelessness.  These problems seem very real to the human

It’s not necessarily bad to be invisible

November 11, 2024 | 20 comments

A friend was lamenting to me how they felt invisible to others around them.  They were doing many good deeds, making wise decisions, and helping many people out of trouble, but there was no noticeable acknowledgement of their significant accomplishments.  

Under no obligation to hate

November 8, 2024 | 24 comments

If someone says something mean to you, is it a requirement that you say something mean back?  No, it’s not.  That would be a choice. If someone is hateful toward you, is there an obligation for you to be hateful