The path of the humble is the path to great things

September 19, 2017 | 13 comments

“We can do no great things, only small things with great love.”

~ Mother Teresa

13 thoughts on “The path of the humble is the path to great things”

  1. …and persistent small things with great love can really add up!
    Thank you for this great reminder… especially helpful when feeling overwhelmed!

  2. Good morning, Evan. As Saint Exupery wrote the author of The Prinipito: The essential is invisible to the eyes. “A hello with a smile, a warm greeting, a hug, kindness, helps someone in the street etc.
    All small-great gestures. I love the photo
    What a beautiful union of two great friends. Blessings.

  3. I so appreciate all the good ideas. I continue with the small things but how does one really feel the great love(or see the beautiful union in the photo) when one seems overwhelmed.. despite consistent declarations about God and man.

    1. Grateful for your honesty
      At times declarations seem to
      fall short
      At times the feeling of being
      alone without the unseen
      hand of God anywhere
      near enough to hold.

      Feeling God’s presence
      and love is very powerful,
      To do this I sit in a comfortable
      Chair or lay down reclined in pillows

      I quiet my mind while breathing
      slowly and deeply…
      I then begin prayers of gratitude
      for God hearing my outpouring

      A quiet peaceful feeling suddenly
      and surely becomes present
      A feeling of being heard and
      an inner response that you
      are loved and cared for
      by God and his loving angels
      comes as a deep sense of knowingness
      Tears of joy and relief follow

      Peace follows the rest of my day
      having experienced the
      Presence of God
      This peace will dispel any worry or anxiety
      when these thoughts try to

      You will find circumstance change
      in the most wondrous ways

      Practicing the Presence of God
      with prayers of gratitude
      can alter any appearance
      of inharmony or lack or discord
      or illness

      Father, I know
      I Am as thou
      hast created me

      There can be
      none other than
      a perfect creation

      In thought,
      In word
      and in deed,
      a perfect reflection

      You are blessed beyond
      This very moment
      Where you are sitting
      God is with you

      1. Maximo, this is wonderful. I’m going to copy it and carry it around with me. So appreciate your thoughts. Thank you so much.

  4. Dear Grateful One,
    We feel the great love when we consistently and constantly refuse to honor the “overwhelm”. Acknowledging good is step one, step two is adamately refusing to consider the error, overwhelm as being true or real. ITS A LIE! A lie about you and a lie about God.
    It takes a consecrated effort. Sometimes we have to fight for it- but the payday is so worth the effort!!
    God bless.

  5. Hi dear ones on SpiritView!

    Thank you, Evan, for this good reminder to stay humble and not strive for “greatness.” (Mortal mind, is after all, insatiable in its ego-demands, as we all know.)

    And, to Grateful Follower, (I honor your anonymity, as I prefer mine, too.): So many of us
    seem to be on Overwhelm, so hang in there, as Patty encourages. I am workin’ on this, too.
    For some reason, I think of the “flat earth.” (I have a SV friend who tells me that this analogy is so totally worn out! But I still use it…a lot!) Just think, if we stared and stared at an image of a flat earth (yes all analogies break down, at some point)…say, a part of the round earth, we could feel overwhelmed at the demand to see, honor, accept only the round one, the truth of it! Even so, we are perfect spiritual ideas, now, always have been, always will be, period. No becoming spiritual. We are not Gonna Be-s. We ARE who God made us to be, NOW! We can’t really KNOW the error about us, or the earth! We are wiser than this.

    Gosh, I do go on. Sorry!

    I know you all are Staying in the Light. No choice!


  6. Dear Grateful One, these promises in the Bible are always a big help to me when I’m feeling overwhelmed:

    “I can of mine own self do nothing.” John 5:30

    “He performeth the thing that is appointed for me.” Job 23:14

    “God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.” II Cor 9:8

    When we see that God is doing all the doing, it lifts the burden off our shoulders.

    Mrs. Eddy tells us to be vehement when we declare the truth. I’ve found this to be very helpful too. (=

  7. Thank you, Evan, for those words, and the sweet picture. Our pets give us such unconditional love in small ways that fill our hearts with great love. I, too, have had my times of feeling tremendously overwhelmed, and have found that I have to literally shout “No!” at the erroneous thoughts, and then affirm the truth of the situation. The truths that have come to me calm my thought, and inevitably bring results. Hang in there. Christ, Truth, will resolve all issues and bring harmony into your experience. I know that without a doubt. Much love—

    1. Thank you Daphne for your comment – so true and comforting.
      Also your words about the pets are like I feel, too.

      Thank you all commenters for your so inspiring comments! 🙂

      And thank you so much for today`s SV, dear Evan – such a good and important insight!

      Love to all !

  8. Thanks Evan for this great reminder of the difference between the powerlessness of the imaginary or mortal “mind” and the greatness of our true Christ mind. One of the most amazing and liberating moments I have experienced was recalling a christian science teacher explaining that every person, place and event in the Bible is that of “everyman” growing into the fullness of Christ. The Christ who has shown me exactly how to meet and overcome every possible challenge, has already done it. I am Jesus Christ – and I have already done it – so I have no longer any fear that I have to “figure out how” from a separate mindedness. When I think from my Christ mind of who and what I am, and the allness of Good outpictured in my world, there is nothing to overwhelm me. Not always easy, but a lot more comforting to know that the greater part of me already has!

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