A peaceful way to live

March 24, 2015 | 5 comments

“Always be humble and gentle.”

~ Apostle Paul, Ephesians, 4:2, NLT

5 thoughts on “A peaceful way to live”

  1. Love the picture however hippos kill over 3,000 people yearly in Africa so they probably aren’t so peaceful..Al

  2. I suppose looks can be deceiving, and one needs to be wise, but worse could be said about mankind. Yet, I know many wonderful people who are filled with incredibly peaceful qualities that bless many. And those are the qualities I look for and admire.

  3. Very interesting image and even more interesting comments!
    Perhaps we can try and see the hippo in light of Mrs. Eddy’s
    writing? “All of God’s creatures, moving in the harmony of
    Science, are harmless, useful, indestructible.” S&H 514:28.

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