Persist with Truth to clear the mist

May 28, 2024 | 38 comments

If your thinking ever feels like it’s in a fog, don’t lose hope of getting out.  There is always a way out.  

No matter how foggy the view is before you, God is always with you to help and guide you through those foggy moments to a position of clarity, that in turn, parts the fog.

To find the clarity you desire, stick with knowing spiritual truth.  Spiritual truth is the remedial agent that melts away the fog.

Mary Baker Eddy writes, “Corporeal sense, or error, may seem to hide Truth, health, harmony, and Science, as the mist obscures the sun or the mountain; but Science, the sunshine of Truth, will melt away the shadow and reveal the celestial peaks” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 299).

Science is God’s Helper on earth, giving us the inspiration, guidance, and understanding we need to see through the mist of material sense; to see beyond material appearances to spiritual reality.  

Material sense is fog.  Spiritual sense is clarity.  

Persist with spiritual truth until clarity comes.  It will.  And the mist will part.

38 thoughts on “Persist with Truth to clear the mist”

  1. Uplifting treatment…thank you so much Evan.
    From our bible lesson this week…
    Col 4;2
    Continue in prayer; and watch in the same with thanksgiving;
    Eph 2;8
    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God

  2. Thank you Evan and Barbara.
    Uplifting thoughts to understand and assist me first thing this morning.are appreciated.
    I awake grateful but then the attitude my husband has first thing tries to influence my positive way of thinking.
    I continue to be in a
    recovery situation and daily I try my best as I ask divine Mind to be all I hear.
    He has had to take on the care taking role and the resentment shows up first thing in the morning.
    It hurts and often brings me to tears. He doesn’t empathize but mocks my tears and sadness.

    It’s imperative I continue to be grateful for him and his care. I give him to God knowing his love for him will eventually make a difference.
    He does not benefit from Christian Science and chooses not to. I’m on my own with it. It’s one of the reasons I am so grateful for this community of gentle thinkers and believers.

    1. Dearest Susan
      Love, Love, Love is your answer…for your Father/Mother, for your husband as an idea of Mind and for yourself equally so. There are no ‘victims’ only individual expressions of Principle.
      ’Tis what I know of Thee, my Lord and God,
      That fills my soul with peace, my lips with song;
      Thou art my health, my joy, my staff, my rod;
      I lean on Thee, in weakness I am strong.…..hymn 195
      Love B.x

      1. Thank you for the hymn, Barbara! I was thinking again about what is the Truth. My answers generally come up simply that all there is is God, then that God IS Good, and then that God IS love. All the love we can see, and even if we can not see it, in, say, a husband not being loving, the love we can not see. Just to know it IS there is Truth.

        Buddhists teach that attributes such as patience, kindness, and love are factory-installed; we don’t have a need to have more of them, or improve them; the need is to clean off the dust.

      2. Selecting the gems above, Col 4: 2, always continue to pray; as you watch in the same with thanksgiving, then Ephesians 2: 8 BY GRACE are ye saved through faith; and that no of yourselves; it is the GIFT of God, wonderful ; all lift my expectation for a healing within myself. The struggle has been with a child, whose dissolving of error has begun after major and dangerous struggles with the physical efforts of becoming a grown up, independent of error, then letting LOVE guide the way.

        The lift I feel has been strong, upward held toward good. Thank you for your quotes above. Where would I be without continuous prayer!!!! THANK YOU

    2. I read an article about a Mom whose child was out of control. She was guided to not react under the circumstances and it cleared the problem. I think it was because when she made it nothingness the child followed or forgot about it. Bless you in your endeavor for peace. I used the same remedy on my husband and it worked.

  3. Our love is with you Susan. You are not alone. I am the only student of CS in my house too, however I am grateful that while not actively supporting me in my quest for the Truth, my studying and ‘different’ way of thinking is accepted… though there have been times when it has been challenged when a situation took a long time to resolve. Keep doing what you are doing, only good can come out of it. X

  4. Susan and Caz, I am in a similar situation, as I am the only Christian Scientist in my household. I am grateful that my husband is a naturally loving individual and is aligned with my need for daily study to keep my thoughts ‘in sync’ with divine guidance. I have realized early on the importance of disassociating myself with disbelief and embracing the glorious Truths that I was raised with. Here is a favorite phrase from Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy: “At all times and under all circumstances, overcome evil with good. Know thyself and God will supply the wisdom and the occasion for a victory over evil. Clad in a panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you. The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one divinity.” (p. 571: 15 – 21.) The paragraph heading is ‘the armor of divinity,’ and that ‘armor’ is what we all need to ‘wear’ in consciousness as adherents of Truth. Our husbands are not the ‘foe in ambush: — mortal thinking is, and it cannot touch our true being. Really knowing that God is the One ‘in charge,’ not us or them, will benefit all of those in our household, today and always. When I went through Class Instruction in Christian Science I was taught that a ‘panoply’ is a beautiful, bright-colored garment, and that a “panoply of Love” is the equivalent of being “wreathed in smiles,” coming from the honest conviction that God is in control of our thoughts, our words, and our very lives.

  5. It always rings true to just love, love, love with the Love that God is and loving our neighbor will become the norm.

    Love and best wishes to all struggling to know God and Her Man. You will win the Day!

    1. DEAR Linda, Right now I hear my mother saying those same words just love, love, love, with the Love that God is.

      LOVE, LOVE and she was the essense of all that LOVE. She showed me how it heals, in fact she was a peace maker and a healer.

    “Forgive them, Father. They
    know not what they do.”
    “Clad in the panoply of Love,
    human hatred cannot reach you” or THEM !
    “Bless them that curse you.” ( God does the blessing )

  7. Thank you Evan, for this beautiful reminder of what is really present ~~ divine Love and Father-Mother Love’s children. “Love is Mind.”
    When I awake in the morning in this familiar fog, I pray to “Let this Mind be in me which was also in Christ Jesus,” and in moments God’s angel messages come to my thought. and clear the mist. Then silently or audibly I hum or sing songs of praise to God, or clap my hands in gratitude for every good thing in my life.
    Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Jesus Christ our Lord, and nothing can prevent us from accepting all the good thoughts that Love is giving us every moment.
    We are God’s watered garden, blossoming with Love’s joy and peace even when the liar (so-called mortal mind) is suggesting we don’t feel it..
    Sending much love and blessings to all today

    1. How I love all the comments today starting with Evan and the powerful, love filled thoughts his Spirit Vuew has inspired. Thank you all! I especially love the statement above by Carolyne—“We are God’s watered garden…”
      I have just finished watering my garden and I know the love I feel for every inch of it and the joy I feel as I care for it. Every blossom is loved and appreciated. How wonderful to know that we are so loved and cared for by God and that we are God’s joy.

  8. I wrote down this quote, but not the author: “Focus a bit less on materiality and a bit more on present spiritual goodness. Stop “striking out left and right against the mist”; instead lift thought above it. A new day and a new thought. Like the movie Groundhog Day, circumstances hadn’t changed, but thought had about them. Repeating and defeating.”

    **Maybe someone can kindly add the link that completely opens this excellent article. 🙂
    “Clearing away the fog” by Deborah Huebsch:

    1. That is such a helpful article, J. – thank you so much.. I remember part of it, but re-reading it all now it is just what I need – there is so much in it to think about.

  9. Dear Susan,
    I also am married to one who is not a student of Christian Science, and I often feel the longing for a sense of unified spiritual understanding in my home. Yet as we know, this seeming void is already filled with divine Love. This ever present divine Love is embracing and supporting both you and your husband through this temporary trial.

    “Think of this, dear reader, for it will lift the sack cloth from your eyes, and you will behold the soft winged dove descending upon you. The very circumstance, which your suffering sense deems wrathful and afflictive, Love can make an angel entertained unawares. Then thought gently whispers: “Come hither! Arise from your false consciousness into the true sense of Love. and behold the Lamb’s wife,– Love wedded to it’s own spiritual idea.” S&H 574: 25

    1. Thank you dear Linda, I’ve always loved this passage by MBE and prayed with it in trying times.
      It is so very loving and comforting and healing!
      Thank you J for the article! One can open your version pressing “read more for free” or so.
      Thank you all dear SpiritView friends for your wonderfully metaphysical and very loving and helpful answers to Susan’s “helpcall”, I would say. God leaves us never alone with such matter and surely is always helping us in which way ever!

      Thank you very very much Evan, for your helpful and comforting and loving SpiritView today! “Science, the sunshine of Truth will melt away the shadow and the mist, and the sunshine dawns.” Thanks a lot for the wonderful and loving metaphsics you are giving us every day!!!

  10. This piece and these comments are so helpful! My cat is having some health challenges, and these thoughts are cutting through the “fog” of fear and inadequacy I’m facing in dealing with them. A line from a hymn we sang yesterday came to me: It’s from verse 2 of #66 (brown) or #478 (grey):
    “Thou, Soul, inspiring — give us vision clear,
    Break earth-bound fetters, sweep away the veil,
    Show the new heaven and earth that shall prevail,
    Alleluia! Alleluia!”

    1. Oh dear Cathe, I do love this healing hymn also very much; it’s so uplifting into Truth.
      Your cat is a most loved spiritual idea of God, the creator of your sweet cat!

    2. This is a lovely hymn, dear Cathe and a perfect way to see
      your dear cat in the way God has created, without fog of
      any kind – pure and free from anything that would indicate
      otherwise. “Love reflecting Love”.

  11. Thank you Evan and all for these much needed words of Truth. Many times the fog of
    mortal mind drifts into thought and not recognizing it as such and knowing and declaring
    what is true – sometimes conjures things up that we do not understand. Not knowing
    the “reality” of situations often leaves that fog hanging over thought and it can seem very
    depressing and real at times.
    Dear Susan – I can relate so much with everything you’ve written – and especially where
    you wrote, “doesn’t empathize but mocks my tears and sadness”. It is tempting to pin
    these pangs of mortal mind’s outbursts on a person, rather than it’s source of erroneous
    belief. I have been (sometimes struggling) on my own for years now, but in the earlier
    years, before, have been yelled at, rather than comforted if some seeming physical hurt
    came about -“What did you do That for?”, as if I deliberately hurt myself or when comforting
    an aging pet that needed love, – “That’s why you shouldn’t have pets! You get too emotional!”
    It was all mortal mind screaming – the fog trying to be real!
    Sometimes years later, the feeling of abandonment would creep in, when going through a
    difficulty where having emotional or physical support would have been helpful. But Knowing
    that God/Love is and has been with me/us all – through the seeming foggy experiences and
    lifting thought above these temptations that would detract Spirituality from view, is why I
    love the inspiration here so wonderfully and the the healing Truth of Christian Science, when sometimes feeling all alone in this type of thinking, shines through. What a blessing
    it is.

      1. Awww, Thank you dear Susan. Your kindness is so sweet and am so
        glad you opened up with transparency with the seeming issues you
        mentioned. You are amongst very special seekers of Truth here, as
        shown in all of the comments above. In your sharing, you touched
        upon the ever-present Spirit that holds you dear within this
        precious forum of loving fellow companions of Love. Big Hug to you
        and love to you and all.

  12. Thank you Evan for this very timely post. I have been thinking about fog recently and this makes it even clearer. Thank you Susan for your heartfelt comments also which I can empathise with as I am struggling with a similar situation of mortal mind in the guise of a difficult husband who is quite anti CS and very medically inclined and not good at expressing his love in a loving way. Thanks also to all the loving comments today and every day and especially the link to the article which is so relevant to me at this time. This site is very precious to me for all the loving support from each person, as for 35 years I have not lived close enough to any CS church and the only people in my family who are CS are my mother and sister who both live 4 hours away also. I rarely comment as living in Australia the time difference means my comment comes hours after everyone else. Thank you all again.❤️

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