Practice patience

November 7, 2024 | 29 comments

All it takes is an apostrophe and a bit of an attitude adjustment to go from “impatient” to “I’m patient.” 

~ Terri Guillemets

29 thoughts on “Practice patience”

  1. AH thank you! What a great way to flip from the negative to the positive! Learning patience has been my lifelong lesson!

  2. Yes, patience is the magic word. It is easy to say but not so easy to apply in our daily lives with others. Here, I’m talking about myself. But one of the keys here is that our God is an infinite, patient God, So when facing challenges, I must remember that I reflect that divine power and expression.

    1. The fact that we reflect God, Mind, who is ever patient is a great reminder of who we truly are. An angry. impatient mortal who never gets his or her “own way” is a counterfeit of the real man or woman made in God’s allness. In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 242:18 it is stated “In patient obedience to a patient God, let us Labor to dissolve with the universal solvent of Love the adamant of error, — self-will, self-justification, and self-love,- which wars against spirituality and is the law of sin and death.’ Yes, let patience govern. our consciousness at all times!

  3. Lovely quote! Made me think:
    Impatience is when you are doubting the outcome. Patience is when you know the result, – the expectancy of good, the opportunity to know that Love is already fulfilled.
    Fresh thought, – impatience is lack of listening….patience is “all ears”.
    Another thought, impossible is lack of trust, and possible is not!
    All things are possible to God, – hence our patience!

    1. Ken Perfect I really needed your comment this morning, I was feeling extremely impatience over a healing(I now see I was doubting the outcome)

  4. I love the quote by Terry Guillemets. I so need to strengthen this God- given quality and practice it. I also appreciate the S & H quote from page 252.
    Thank you for this lesson today.

  5. Thank you for all the spiritual insights you give every week day. During our Wednesday testimony meetings, our congregation will share (weekly) at least one of your daily ‘ditties’ as we call it, and discuss. Thank you so much.

    1. Terry that’s so nice to hear that SpiritView is shared in your Wednesday testimony meetings.

      Evan thank you for directing our attention to Patience. It made me think of what Mrs. Eddy said in Misc Writings, that if we wait (are patient), never doubting (are trusting in God), we will have all we need every moment. Patience, supported by a foundation of spiritual understanding, brings peace and the expectancy of good.

  6. Patience is joyous expectation of good and the reliable courageous endurance in trusting and giving thanks to the Source of that good. Being patient means being trustworthy in disciplining our own thoughts to be free from confusion and fear, and to be clear about our values and purpose, as we live them, regardless of external circumstances or other people or the thoughts that would try to distract and tempt us.. Patience is grounded in the understanding of reality that good is constant and reliable, and everything in the mortal dream of personalities and separate minds and time/space/matter is just a mistaken, temporary transitory ever-changing misunderstanding until it disappears and no longer distracts us from reality, which is perfect.

    I find it easier to be patient and understood by the drawing testimony of material sense or personal attachment. When I know that everything that comes up in this material dream is with lessons and blessings to help me increase my understanding and practice of truth, love, principle. It is actually nothing but a gift of Grace tenderly caring for me, and helping me do my part in the healing of the world, knowing I’m supported by others and their prayers in the past and future and elsewhere in this present. Anything that would tempt me to be impatient as a reminder of who and what I want to be into focus on choosing that and being that.— kind, honest, responsible, fair, beneficial, courageous, comforting, inspiring, grateful and gracious,obedient to God and disobedient to all else.

  7. On a road trip through one of our southern states, what came to me was the thought each day: “Our Father which are in heaven, Hallowed be thy NAME,” which became “He is here, now, present, protecting, guiding, and loving me and family who was with me.”
    The “hallowed be thy NAME” was calming, and continued to reside by my side, the entire way, as I called on HIM all the way home.

  8. “Patience with family is love
    Patience with others is respect
    Patience with self is confidence and
    Patience with GOD is faith” – Author Unknown

    How true . . . .

  9. Patience, letting go of doubt, trusting Love’s outcome, letting go
    of human opinions, PEACE. “ anxious thought”

  10. Upon finding out that I had a new client, a friend of mine who had also worked with this person commented, “you’re going to find out how much patience you really have!” I had heard this client was difficult and prayed to know that I didn’t have any patience at all—God had all the patience. His patience is infinite. Since I reflect God, any patience I expressed actually rested on infinity. It would NEVER run out, God was in charge of the whole show, not me. I would pray this way before and during meetings and during phone calls. Others noticed a change. One said I’ve been dealing with this client for years and have never experienced a more harmonious productive meeting. I did have to be vigilant. But keeping patience, which the Bible calls the fruit of the spirit (not the fruit of man) as belonging to God, I could trust that it ruled everyone involved.

    1. Thanks Kay for sharing that testimony on where true patience (or any spiritual quality) comes from. As I was reading it I was thinking also that the prayer could include the Truth that God never made a “difficult” person. That is a mortal, material assessment of man which God does not see. I’ve heard of teachers successfully praying this way when a so-called “problem” student was going to be assigned to them,

  11. Thank you dear Evan for today’s SpiritView. I notice that some days ago your SpiritView had a similar toppic, namely ” emerge gently into Spirit” , so in that sense Mrs Eddy says in SH.
    Today, after many years of studying CS I am much more prepared and able to be patient in progressing of healing and spiritual understanding as God is also patient with us – thank you God!. How blessed are we with Christian Science and SpiritView!♡

  12. On page 454 of Science and Health,Mary Baker Eddy says “Wait patiently for divine Love to move upon the waters of mortal mind, and form the perfect concept. Patience must have her perfect work.”

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