Pray ahead of time

May 29, 2018 | 11 comments

If prayer can get you out of trouble, it will certainly help to keep you out of trouble.
Always pray ahead of time!

11 thoughts on “Pray ahead of time”

  1. Yes, be proactive in prayer! Like Mary Baker Eddy said… always keep your violin tuned… Have a wonderful day!

  2. “Give us this day our daily bread”
    The day stretches before us.
    It’s wonderful to remember how the Lord’s prayer is eminently proactive, in every statement assuring us of God’s ever-presence (in heaven, in all-harmonious consciousness of all)
    and the ever-presence of God’s governing care (thy kingdom come) and supreme omnipotence.
    That all we need for today is ours today,
    That as we completely forgive others –release them from any identity with harm, we’re completely released, completely forgiven,
    That God, Love, Truth, and Life — living that love and truth– delivers us from all evil,
    Because good — Life, Truth, Love,– alone is present and in charge of all, forever.

    1. Thank you, Diane, for sharing your special insights about the Lord’s prayer today, how it can be viewed as not only foundational but proactive, fulfilling Evan’s guiding message.

    2. Good thinking Diane. The Lord’s Prayer is powerful when believed in our heart, as you certainly do. .

  3. Thanks, also, Diane for referencing the Lord’s Prayer. Whenever I pray “Give us this day our daily bread” I follow it with “Never ask for tomorrow it’s enough that divine Love is an ever present help and if we wait, never doubting, we will have all we need every moment.” (S&H quoted from memory & changing us to we). Divine Love ALWAYS had met and ALWAYS will meet EVERY human need (emphasis my own). There is absolutely no uncertainty in this!

  4. So very true.. praying keeps the problems away from our life. Prayers is our constant connection with God, and when God guides, supports and helps us, problems never can show up in our life. Only joy, harmony, success and peace remain with us. Thanks Evan for the spiritual enlightenment.

  5. Thank you all very much for your enlightening comments! 🙂

    Evan`s today`s SpiritView is very interesting. I have to think a bit more about the following sentence: If prayer can get you out of trouble, it will certainly help to keep you out of trouble.
    It sounds, as if both sentence parts have the same meaning – I am not quite familiar with this double sentence.

    I think, an honest, deep, listening prayer to God, who is everpresent, will certainly help us.

    However the sentence: always pray ahead of time is very clear.
    It reminds me at the former SpiritView: “How to conduct a successful meeting” dated 4th January 2018. There Evan says: “so, prevent conflict ahead of time, by knowing the truth about your meeting, that it will be a meeting only of the one Mind.” I love to apply that Truth!
    I use this SV when I go to a church meeting or to relatives who are not Christian Scientists.

    Thank you so much dear Evan for spiritual food everyday – it is very tasty, spiritually

    1. Hi Uta,
      Thanks for your comments!

      The difference in the two sentences are:

      “If prayer can get you out of trouble,” talks about when you are already in trouble, then you pray to get out of it.

      The rest, “it will certainly keep you out of trouble,” means praying ahead of time can prevent the trouble to begin with – as you mention from the previous post. Always better to start with prayer, than just using it as a reaction to problems!

      And thanks Evan for another great message!

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