Praying for the health of your children

May 18, 2015 | 12 comments

As a parent of two children, I’ve been so grateful over the years for the understanding Christian Science gives me to pray for my children and help them out of sickness.

A month ago, our son called me around 8 in the evening, barely able to talk because of struggling mightily with what appeared to be symptoms of the flu. I shared a few spiritual truths with him over the phone, reminding him of God’s immediate love and care, and assured him I’d be praying with him for full recovery. We hung up the phone.

In my prayers, I looked at him from a spiritual point of view.

I saw him as a son of God living in an atmosphere of divine Love where only influences of God’s good were around for him to feel and know.

I understood that what appeared to be a physically miserable situation could be reversed with spiritual truth, and that health could be fully restored, and quickly.

I negated the belief of harmful germs or viruses, knowing that God never created dangerous agents of evil to fear or suffer from. What appeared to be harmful could be proved harmless. God is infinite Love, and Love is Life.

I reversed the claim that he was a vulnerable mortal that could be exposed to disease and suffer helplessly under its control by seeing him as immortal, reflecting the unchangeable perfection of God.

I refused to consent to long term suffering by knowing he had God’s presence to feel and know then and there.

I knew God’s allness for him.

I knew Christ was at work in his being supporting and sustaining his spiritual individuality in a perfect state of health.

I knew God reigned supreme and there was no other option than for him to feel God’s good.

I negated any fear that other negative mental influences were at work on his thought causing him to feel weak or vulnerable.

I knew he reflected the one Mind that was filled with peace, dominion and harmony.

I found my peace that he was okay, and brought my prayers to a close.

I didn’t hear anything back from him for 24 hours. Finally, I texted him and asked how he was doing. He texted me back, “Oh, sorry about that. After we talked, I fell asleep, woke 3 hours later and felt great. Thanks! God is good.”

I was so happy to hear the good news, and thanked God for another proof of Love’s care.

12 thoughts on “Praying for the health of your children”

  1. Thanks for sharing this with us, Evan. This is very encouraging!

    It’s come at a good time for me as last night, I suddenly started feeling despondent and started to worry over a few things I’ve been praying about.

    I am going to print this and stick it on the refrigerator!

    1. Evelyn; From my experience it would be harder for the balance of thought is the belief upon the medical. Receptivity has to be accepted by your child toward prayer. That would make it much easier, but it’s still possible since God good is more powerful than evil.

    2. In the story above, my son asked me for spiritual help. If you children do not ask you for spiritual help, you can still see them wrapped in the arms of Love, cared for by God, and loved by the Truth. Your right spiritual thinking resting upon them will always bring benefit their way.

  2. Perfect timing Evan! I heard today that my grand daughter isn’t well and not accustomed to praying for little ones but this certainly points me in the right direction.

  3. “…living in an atmosphere of divine Love where only influences of God’s good were around for him to feel and know.”

    Great stuff Evan. I have a teen & 20-something’s and will hold to this truth when they’re out exploring the world with friends. It eliminates fear and confirms protection. Thanks!

  4. Thank you for this. I need to find peace in issues with grandchildren and this helps me to pray in the right way.

  5. Thank You, Evan! What you have given us is an outline of how to give a Christian Science Treatment and this correct way of Thinking produces Physical Healing! Invaluable! Much Love and Gratitude!

  6. Thanks so much for telling us HOW you prayed. It is always helpful in directing our prayers. I know every opportunity to pray for our children is unique and we can expand on some of the ideas you shared, but we can also expect to receive just the right healing thoughts from God for each particular case. Thank you Evan. (=

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