Put human will aside

October 20, 2015 | 11 comments

Let God open the door before you rather than forcing it open yourself.

11 thoughts on “Put human will aside”

  1. Thank you, Evan! Just wondering……how does this fit with: “Desire is Prayer…….”? Would God give us a desire without the intent to fulfill it…?? How do we know which good desires to follow thru on and which not to…..??? Just wondering…….Would God intentionally keep me somewhere doing doing something I don’t like to teach me a Lesson? If we are God’s expressions, one with Him, we would be experiencing Good all the time, right? Is it just our need to know this…..???

    1. When your desires are spiritual, they are always right and safe to act on. And your sense is correct, that God never locks us into a bad situation. He’s is always opening to doors to progressive opportunities. The bigger question is, “How willing are we to walk through the open door?” God teaches us only lessons of Love that make us better people and more spiritually minded thinkers.

  2. Ah, the crux of all spiritual development, letting go of human will for the attainment of spiritual guidance. This is my most difficult challenge as I am sure that it is for others as well. Having the strength of patience and the courage to watch God unfold the real solution to whatever our challenge may be is tantamount to our spiritual growth,

  3. That certainly says it all! When we make our plans & they don’t seem to work , they are obviously NOT God’s will! Not mine but thine be done. Thank you Evan.

  4. What comes to mind for me is your always in your right place at your right time . Being open to seeing the constant unfolding of good at the present moment , is seeing and knowing truth ! The door is already open ! So much love

  5. Relying on human will is a dangerous advice for any one to receive for it is the divine will that corrects all.

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