Reject decline

September 18, 2024 | 20 comments

If you ever feel you’re on a path of decline, be quick to reject that suggestion.  Stay clear that you are a spiritual being living your eternal spiritual Life where the goodness of God continues to multiply in your experience.  This is your reality with God.

Mortal mind interprets God’s universe in a material way and calls spiritual ideas material things.  But mortal mind is wrong about God’s creation.  God’s creation is spiritual.  It lasts forever.  It does not decline.  It is forever expressed beautifully and wholly.

We all have lots to learn about God’s spiritual creation, but there is no better time than now to learn and experience more of it.

One healthy metaphysical step to take in experiencing more of God’s goodness is to identify with spiritual reality, and not with material unreality.

God’s creation does not decline.  It grows, multiplies, and expands in expression throughout infinity.  There is no end to God’s goodness and the forms it takes.

You are one of those forms!

In discovering your reality with God, you are not on a path of decline, but on a grand adventure of spiritual ascension.  Every day can be a blessed day of learning more about what it means to be a beloved child of God and finding the blessings that flow from such understanding.  

There is no decline with God.  Only spiritual growth and progress.  Enjoy!

20 thoughts on “Reject decline”

  1. Dear Evan, I hope that many of our SV friends click on the Button “next” of yesterday’s SpiritView; so I got today’s utmost wonderful SpiritView!

    Thank you very much for this wonderfully healing treatment! This afternoon I had a demonstration.
    I burnt my little finger on my hot cooking oven. Immediately I claimed my spiritual individuality as God’s reflection. Did that several times, than I continued with my errands in house and garden.
    This late afternoon I sat in the garden and enjoyed the warm sunshine. No pain in finger. God multiplies my understanding that man is not material but solely spiritual, and it is impossible that Spirit and it’s ideas can be insured. Thank you, dear God!♡

    1. Thanks Uta, I did just that and it worked. No notice on my email today. I didn’t get a Spirit View on Monday either. and tried this method and couldn’t find it.
      This is such a good message Evan. Thank you.

    2. What a wonderful way to see ourselves and others, Evan – in the image and likeness
      of God’s creating and never wavering from that. And a great demonstration you had,
      Uta. I love when we are awake to our true being and where pain is not a part of our
      I am feeling better about a situation with my car, which seems to be in decline, from
      older age. Have been anxious about it and it has been very reliable, but it seems rust
      is becoming an issue, where my mechanic advised to start looking for another. I had a
      challenge with it, where he patched together a less expensive “fix” for which I am very
      grateful to him, to keep it going. When I was waiting for him, while he was working on
      it and trying to figure out what was causing the problem, I kept Knowing that everything
      will be okay. Another mechanic probably would have said it was unfixable and/or it
      would cost thousands to fix and wouldn’t be worth it, but his very kind action, helped
      to give more time to experience the right direction at the right time and I will continue
      praying that God’s plan is already worked out with the right car at the right time. It is a
      bit straying from the topic of rejecting personal decline, but the calming feeling that this
      experience has brought, has been a blessing.

  2. On my phone all the comments are dated 11 September. Had this been posted before and I’ve missed it? Well if so then I’m so glad it’s been reposted as it’s really helpful. Many thanks Evan. X

  3. Thank you Evan…very important message for me today.
    I was thinking about the word decline and realised how important it is to not just look at it as a physical thing. We must also watch any decline in putting God first during our day. Or a decline in checking our conversations in general…so easy to get embroiled with matters complaints!
    So happy for you Uta and Blessed.. Demonstration is the key…it underlines our individual inspiration and progress.
    Blessings to everyone…we are all on “upward wing ‘ ❣️

  4. Thank you for this inspiration. This morning, when I first stepped down on my
    foot, it was painful to walk on it. The first thought came, “What’s this about?”
    But then I immediately rejected that and any thought that would would try to impede
    thinking other than what is spiritually true and right. As I walked further, it was like
    it had never had happened, because in “reality” (God’s perfection) – it never did!
    So grateful to have the knowledge of Mind/God’s perception of what is Really True.

    1. This article is very helpful. We can take an aspect of God each day and apply it to situations such as omnipotence, omnipresence, strength to counter thoughts of decline, Because God is omnipotent, and I express all qualities of God, I have the power to rejoice in God’s allness and care and run all of my errands today with joy. Thanks for including this helpful article to correspond with Spiritview’s message today.

  5. Thank you Evan, and all commentators, for the love expressed here. It came to me that decline, like gravity, is merely a law of “nature” – the nature of matter, without power or intelligence. Just as gravity would keep us weighted down and earthbound (and ultimately headed to the grave), so decline implies downward motion. Instead, we are free to be lifted, “on upward wing” (Hymn 207), “rising higher and higher from a boundless basis” (S&H 258:13-15). I am loving thinking about all the uplifting ideas in the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy’s writings. Thanks, everyone!.may you all be upward soaring!

    1. Thanks Nancy, you have made some very important points that I appreciate hearing. Gravity /decline, downward pull on God’s child is impossible and the exact opposite of the spiritual reality we are actually living in. May you also be upward soaring, and blessings to all here on SV and everywhere!

  6. I so appreciate today’s blog and J’s wonderful article. Claims of decline, one’s inevitable wearing out and wearing down, are aggressive and require persistent rejection and replacement with vigorous affirmations of our inseparability from divine Life, Truth, and Love.
    May we all “…feel the divine energy of Spirit, bringing us into newness of life and recognizing no mortal nor material power as able to destroy. Let us rejoice that we are subject to the divine powers that be.” (SH 249)

  7. Thank you Evan and everyone for your insightful and inspiring comments!

    I also was not receiving SpritView in my inbox for a few days but I found it in my spam folder. So check your spam or junk mail folder, it may be there.

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