Resist the bully

February 8, 2016 | 13 comments

In high school, there was an upper classman that would bully me on occasion. He wouldn’t hurt me, nor did he want to hurt me, but he saw me as an easy target to mock and physically manipulate.

He’d grab me by the neck without warning in an iron clad grip, and rub his fist around on the top of my head, or pull some wrestling maneuver on me that made him feel dominant and in control.

He was probably the number one trouble maker in our school, but also built like physical steel, a star wrestler, and from a troubled home. I felt overwhelmed by his intimidating physicality, didn’t know what to do to counter it, so just let him do what he wanted to do, shook it off, and walked on. But it was not right.

Eventually, I noticed that he never picked on the guys that resisted his antics. He went for what he perceived to be the “weak ones,” the ones who did not resist and put up a fight. And that was me! I did not resist, and there was no way I was going to start a fight. It just wasn’t in me.

It took me a couple of years to learn the lesson, but once I learned to resist, it stopped. I didn’t have to fight or treat him in kind. I did not act on any hate or resentment, nor did I harbor any. I needed to know my right to live in peace and that I didn’t have to accept this kind of treatment as necessary. It was a mental determination I needed to establish within my own consciousness that in turn eliminated me from being seen as an “easy target.” I could push back with conviction of what was right, rather than be pushed over by fear and feeling helpless. The bully lost interest in me.

Since then, I’ve learned the same rule applies to protecting the state of our thinking. The carnal mind, in belief, would bully our thought, looking for weaknesses to exploit and get us to capitulate to sin, disease and even death. If we do not muster resistance and signal we’re ready to put up a fight, it would take over and dominate through intimidation and aggressive suggestion.

But we can resist! And we can put up a fight.

God is an intelligent Mind and discerning Truth that can resist and thwart any attempt of evil to assert itself. As children of God, we always have God working on our side. We can lean on God’s presence, express His power, and stop the bully, even ward it off ahead of time.

The bully tactics of mortal mind acting through fear, worry, anxiety or doubt, can be shut down. They can be defeated. They are not the power they claim to be or want you to believe. They are nothing in the presence of God. But this is a truth that needs to be understood and demonstrated. We can’t be passive about it.

You have God on your side to resist any bully. God is always bigger, smarter, sharper, wiser and in control. He is not afraid, weak-minded, wimpy, helpless or caught off guard. He knows what to do to establish harmony and peace and how to do it. And you have His intelligence and wisdom to guide you.

Side with God and win!

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” James 4:7, KJV.

13 thoughts on “Resist the bully”

  1. Thanks Evan. The bully who tries to overpower us, is actually a coward and with the help of God who is much bigger, powerful and good, we surely can resist the bully and claim our freedom.
    The carnal mind or mortal mind, which tries to bully us, scare us, overpower us with the belief in the power of sin, disease and death, can be ruled out and resisted with the power of the All powerful God. And if God is on our side, our team is most powerful and the victory is CERTAIN AND SURE. So we need to ward off all fear of sickness, disease, death, sin with the CONFIDENCE in GOD, who walks by our side to support us, strengthen us, love us and who can never ever give us anything but good – GOOD HEALTH, HAPPINESS, PEACE, HARMONY, AND SUCCESS.

  2. Had not thought of these thoughts from the carnal mind as a bully, but they certainly are. They try to bully us into believing they have power. Sort of like the red dragon of Revelation trying to drown us in material thinking. Thank you Evan for alerting me to not let myself be bullied by any subtle suggestion from the material senses.

  3. Thanks to Evan and to the Great Comments! I thought of Mrs. Eddy’s quote: “Know then that you possess sovereign power to think and act rightly……” I think that establishing in my own thought that God has given Me dominion (sovereign power) to allow only good thoughts and actions into my experience, would be a deterent to any “bullying” ideas or people or actions that would try to present themselves to me!

  4. Wow, how pertinent and applicable and timely has this message come into my life! At age 75, the nature of bullying *appears* to take on a new form: that of one one’s child bullying the parent, questioning her ability to judge a situation or make “good” choices–any longer. With this new perspective that you offer, my thoughts turn towards the omnipresence of God–always present with me, regardless of my age, reassuring me of access to wisdom regardless of the bully who seems to be suggesting otherwise. I love Christian Science teaching.

  5. Thanks, Evan, that’s a really good reminder! Any negative suggestion is the bully, which tempts us to believe in a power apart from God. I just say NO to these lies when they try to get a foothold in my thought. I really appreciate your doing these SpiritViews, fresh insights each day! Along with the Daily Lifts, that’s a one-two punch to the bully!

  6. Thanks, Evan, for this perspective of a bully. My bully seems to be fear and lack. I love what Mrs. Eddy states on page 307 of Miscellaneous Writings: “Never ask for tomorrow: it is enough that divine Love is an ever-present help; and if you wait, never doubting, you will have all you need every moment.” How important the “never doubting” is! Although not in this week’s Bible Lesson on Soul, I love her statement in Science and Health that “Soul has infinite resources with which to bless mankind.” Think of it – “infinite resources” – no limitation. And finally, also the very familiar statement from Science and Health that “Divine Love always has met, and always will meet every human need.” “ALWAYS” not just sometimes, and “EVERY” not just some. What a reassuring promise! How deeply grateful I am for Christian Science!

  7. In addition to “seeing” individually how this wonderful discussion leads to more understanding about dealing with the bullying vagaries of personal mortal mind — in it, too, can we look to the unseen, to the Spiritual Truth working its omnipotent way for peace in the middle-East, and the world. When force for peace stands solidly with its basis in Principle, Godly Truth, Justice and Liberty, the collective mortal-mind of international “bullies,” (be they Kings, Potentates, Presidents, or secret governments) is most effectively destroyed. Presently, we are witnessing chemicalization, a seething caldron of raging, warring international States, all hypnotized and dominated by their respective mortal minds while doing battle on both mental and physical fields. But, for all, Omnipotent Truth must have its way, pouring in, as it does, on flood tides of Love. Either ripe for destruction or, in other cases, accepting of truth and changing their ways before their downfall, the divine Mind of God will infallibly instruct the combatants. We must think and pray daily, “And may thy word enrich the affection of all mankind, and govern them.”

  8. Dear Evan,

    Once again you have come to my rescue.

    I have recently become librarian in my Church and am facing challenges that I never expected.

    I know this blog will be put to good use to me and everyone.

    Blessings to you all.


  9. Most bullying comes from the temptation of being with the crowed and doing what they do. It’s a form of weekness that tends to rely on other’s thoughts and to have others approval of those thoughts. But leaning on what God thinks of you and following it as best that you can destroys that false desire to be one of the crowd.

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