Do you spend more time on Facebook or with Friends?

December 11, 2014 | 13 comments

Here’s a thought provoking message that challenges the addiction to technology many find themselves submersed in today.

Rapper Prince Ea Asks, “Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?”

13 thoughts on “Do you spend more time on Facebook or with Friends?”

  1. Well done. Devices are like thought interrupters..A lure to stop what we are doing (and thinking) and check in with humanity..Prince EA: Good job!

  2. Thank you Evan. This is wonderful and just how I feel. I love your writings and your other offerings such as this one. You are very much appreciated from this household.

  3. This guy is saying just what I’ve been thinking for a long time. True loving friendship is so much more important and satisfying. I’m glad I don’t have one of those gadgets. Our oneness in expressing God’s Love will correct a lot of things in humanity.

    Thank you for bringing it to our attention!

  4. Seven+ billion humans on this planet, and as many opinions, perhaps. On every imaginable subject.

    Mary Baker Eddy says in her book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, “The one Mind, God, contains no mortal opinions. All that is real is included in this immortal Mind.”
    (Pg. 399)

    Thought-provoking. Think I’ll look this word up on Concord Express, on http://www.JSH-online, on my iPhone or iPad, perhaps when I am sitting on a park bench. If someone comes along that seems to want to chat, I’m ready! I’ll try, though, to not present my human opinions, but to let infinite Love, Truth, Spirit, speak through me (and to me). We just may have a meaty convo. And look up words on my techno device. Which, I believe, divine intelligence gave us, like light bulbs and wheels, for our present needs. But we will grow out of all these, of course, to see Mind as it is: infinite, ever-present, eternal…the only real.

    We worry too much about the process(es)….


  5. And so the pendulum of mortal view swings back and forth, but God doesn’t and though we have technology to use it correctly it doesn’t have to be a sin. Technology doesn’t improve what is already in the heart, but it can support it and expand it in ways we hadn’t had before.

  6. I was born in the year 1936. Radio and books were the norm, Movie and theaters too. I am not a Facebook fan, neither do I know how to use a cell phone. But I do have an I-PAD,and use it constantly learning more about C/S and God’s laws than ever before, expanding my thought, History, not only spiritual but material, how our country is governed and how I could share my understanding to improve it. An example; THE BIG BANG THEORY of an explosion billions of years ago giving us worlds and life. A little thought should show you that any kind of explosion destroys, not creates. A BIG BANG OF THOUGHT based on an understanding of God is what gave us Life, not an explosion. That idea comes from material mortal mind which always wants credit for what God does. We, Life, Animals, Fish, Birds, etc would never be from an explosion.
    The Atom Bomb is the greatest example of an explosion and look what it did to Japan.

  7. Facebook and other social media are great gifts to those who are shy, for those who are housebound, also for everybody being able to keep in touch with acquaintances who live too far away to get together in person very often. It’s a chance to speak out, and be listened to, for those who are usually “quiet” in group gatherings. It’s a chance to share photos, including old ones, and including sharing family photos in small doses with scattered family members. It’s also a way to have small, controllable connections with acquaintances such as old classmates, people that you like to remember, but really don’t want to have frequent social get-togerhers with. Yes, a person can spend too much time on social media, but let’s not forget to be grateful for all the good things social media has brought into our lives.

  8. I, too, came into this world in 1936. Yes, lots of growth in all kinds of technology. I retired 16 years ago serve on 4 committees at church besides having other activities requiring keeping a calendar up-to-date for up to a year ahead. I am so grateful for my android smartphone – fantastic calendering system and it is my complete phone book , address book and camera all in one little thing!!! Love getting the short texts from many of my 13 grandchildren. What wonderful God-given abilities gave us all this. Plus I get The Daily Lift, Monitor News Briefings, and Bible Lesson via email – if I am at the hairdressers I can pop-in ear buds and listen. Wonderful tools for necessary handling of everyday life – Just don’t become addicted to games, facebook , twitter, etc. I still like to hold a book to read!! Although I get the Monitor weekly online, I still like to thumb through pages of hard copy when on Reading Room duty. And, of course, love ability to get Evan’s wonderful Blog! So much to be grateful for.

  9. Facebook and Skype are great for those we can’t talk to face to face. But, he presents some good points on the excesses of anti-social media. You can’t beat conversing with someone face to face and the human touch or hug. (=

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