If your thinking ever feels muddled, there’s a way to clear it up. Start thinking spiritual! Get focused on God’s reality as All-in-all, with no other power or existence other than good.
Muddled thinking is confused thinking, a state of the human mind that is unclear about God’s reality. It entertains doubt and fears, harbors anxieties, and worries about the future because it lacks a spiritual basis to find peace and calm.
The opposite of muddled thinking is clear spiritual thinking.
Mary Baker Eddy gives us direction to demonstrate clear spiritual thinking. She wrote, “For right reasoning there should be but one fact before the thought, namely, spiritual existence” (Science and Health, p. 492). When one reasons out from spiritual existence, one sees that God is omnipresent good, ever-present Love, and all-powerful Truth. In spiritual existence, there is no evil to fear, no disease to dread, no worry to entertain. Everything in spiritual existence expresses the eternal order and harmony of God. And there is no confusion about what is real and what is not real. God is the only reality in the allness of God!
As a child of God, you possess the ability to think clearly, to think spiritually. That’s the way God made your Mind, the divine Mind, and keeps it.
There is no confusion in the Mind of Truth. The view is clear.
Thank you Evan. EXACTLY the thought I need right now. Been endlessly distracted and interrupted while trying to put Wed night readings together.
I’m going to stick with this paragraph…..” As a child of God, you possess the ability to think clearly, to think spiritually. That’s the way God made your Mind, the divine Mind, and keeps it. There is no confusion in the Mind of Truth. The view is clear.” Thankyou for always being SPOT ON every time you put a post up.!
Very helpfull on any given day! Thanks Evan.
Thanks Evan – timely and I will meditate on that.
Thank you.
All real solutions are given on a higher plane than the one your experiencing at the moment therefore all spiritual solutions are the only reliable way to true progress. Thanks Evan,
Really needed this right now. Too many things competing for attention and not keeping focused on any one. Thank you for clearing this muddled thinking up.
Thanks so much, Evan. I seem to need those daily (sometimes hourly) reminders about seeing only good. In God ‘s kingdom that’s all there is. How awesome is that reality.
To hark back to my airline days, it’s always CAVU!
(Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited)
Thank you, Evan, for this uplifting message which is a wonderful help
for me today! I’m grateful for Spiritview!!!
A great help for me any day lately. I am in process of moving
And downsizing. Many decisions and packing what will be useful and what to discard. Clear thinking a necessity. Thanks so much fOr this
Uplifting message.
I did this recently, but call it “rightsizing”.
Rightsizing ! Love that. thanks.
I just finished listening to your Excellent Sentinel Watch program on animal magnetism. Your blog today continues the discussion… the one Mind controlling every effect harmoniously. So there can be no confused mind, no fearful mind, no anxious mind. Because God is all-knowing we know what we need to know when we need to know it, because God is all-seeing we see what we need to see when we need to see it, because he is all-acting we do what we need to do when we need to do it, and because God is wise we have the wisdom we need to solve any problem that comes up in our life. God is also all-loving so we have nothing to fear in the allness of Love. (See the definition of God in Science and Health p.587) Once we get clear about who God is we can be clear about what we are as his reflection or expression. Thank you so much Evan for getting us on the right track and keeping us there. (=
Thank you, Rhonda. I love your statements “because God is …. we see/do/etc what we need to”. Thanks also to Evan for his daily un-muddled expressions of Truth!
Thank you, Rhonda. Your statements are just so clear. Very helpful.
Reminder met my need today especially. Thank you Evan.
Oh dear Evan, thank you very much for this timely SpiritView today. It is so helpful to me as in our reading room today I had a visitor who looks after socalled dementia people, reading to them etc. And she talked about her work. I am so grateful that today’s SpiritView nullifies this error totally. In spiritual existance there is no evil to fear, Evan writes. And we learn in CS that we live and move and have our being in God, Spirit,Truth,divine Life and Love.
And we can get focused on God’s reality as All-In-All with no other power or existance other than good, as Evan says so clear up her. God gives us a clear thinking totally expressing His divine Mind, so wonderful.
Thank you so much for teaching us daily the Truth that helps and heals, so needed and appreciated!
Thank you Rhonda for your wonderful comment. Just how I understand it, too.
My husband and I are downsizing… clearing the clutter…and letting in the fresh air. I have found, through prayer, many ways to share the things we no longer have a use for … and give them to another that they may enjoy or have use of those items. It has been a joy and we have reduced our stored things in our garage by more than half. The project is still ongoing. And a joy. It took a few years of praying to unfold the direction and then it just opened up … we have found things in the garage we did not know we had, treasures from relatives. And sharing those things with others has brought joy. Thank you, Evan, for this blog