Stay Active

March 25, 2014 | 8 comments

“If you rest, you rust.”

~ Helen Hayes

Harbor no rusty thinking!

Pray, grow, metaphysically stretch and stay well-oiled with Love’s inspiration.

8 thoughts on “Stay Active”

  1. Love “metaphysically stretch”! What a great phrase. I like the way you stay active also–playing tennis and moving a lot! There is such joy in keeping fit (God made us that way!) because we are not creatures of sloth but creatures of action! It is true that the Bible says “bodily exercise profiteth little” but I believe that means an obsession with the body profits little. What’s important is expressing all those wonderful movement qualities that we reflect as ideas of Spirit: flexibility, vitality, joy, balance, strength, etc. These are qualities of Mind foremost! Let’s shine and reflect them, keeping our “metaphysical stretches” leading the way for a vibrant life filled with lots of color and activity! I keep thinking of your smiling faces from yesterday’s post! Thanks for giving of your heart’s overflow, Evan! This blog is such a blessing.

    1. Dear Grace; Your comment made me rethink my understanding of what the Bible says of exercise. I always thought that bodily exercise was a wast of time and even causing death, but you have a different outlook on it. I so would appreciate it if you would expand more on that.

  2. I have always thought of bodily exercise in terms of doing what we are meant to do…if we are to be actively following Jesus’ example, we are not sitting still, but neither are we just exercising a material body to shape it in some way. Our movements are a way of exercising the God-given qualities we are meant to share…poise, balance, beauty, precision, trust. Think of athletes of whatever caliber. And also think of as simple an exercise as walking…plenty of time for prayer and those metaphysical stretches while the body does what it does naturally. It’s kind of a way of keeping our lamps trimmed so we are always ready to preach the Gospel, to answer cleanse the lepers, raise the dead when called upon to do so.

  3. Evan thank you for this short, powerful, easy to remember blog. So needed today. Who knew the words stretching and oil would blend together so well!!

    And Grace, your elaboration was wonderful.

  4. I have been concerned about all of the sitting I do. I try to challenge myself to get out of my seat and walk around the room frequently. I’m like a cat I just love to find cushy places to curl up and hang out. I need to also move and stretch.

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