Stephen Hawking’s disbelief in God

September 16, 2010 | 8 comments

God did not create the universe, world-famous physicist Stephen Hawking argues in a new book that aims to banish a divine creator from physics,” is the lead to a recent article reviewing Hawking’s latest book, “The Grand Design.”

I would never argue any point of physics with Stephen Hawking. He is considered one of the greatest thinkers of all time on the subject, I understand. But conclusions such as the above quickly illustrate the constraining limits of physics to answer the bigger questions of “Where did we come from? What is the power behind the universe in the first place?”

The Grand Design of God is a mystery to the matter-based thinker. It’s construct is a design of Spirit that is comprehended through spiritual sense, not through mathematical equations, study of black holes, string theory and gravity.

Jesus Christ knew this, and taught it. Christian Science explains it.

Because Jesus understood the origins of being to be Spirit, he was able to restore mangled bodies to health and wholeness. He knew where to go for help and always found it. There was no mystery to his understanding of the divine Mind’s universe and how it operated, and he proved it beyond doubt.

The searcher that turns to matter for help and answers will be perpetually left in the dark. There will always be major unresolved questions, which is certainly the case with Hawking’s theories. For resolution, reasoning has to inevitably end up in the universe of Mind where divine intelligence reigns and explanations of creation make sense.

Non-intelligence does not beget intelligence. Empty gravity, voids of darkness, mindless atoms do not have creative capacity. That is a self-evident statement as much as oranges don’t come from potato plants. Like produces like.

God is infinite intelligence that creates intelligent forms. Divine Science has this truth reasoned out already.

8 thoughts on “Stephen Hawking’s disbelief in God”

  1. Some people are so driven by ideology that they cannot see the evidence of God that is staring them in the face. Matter does, to a certain extent, reveal God, in that (Rom 1:20), “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” Many scientists do in fact acknowledge that the universe would not exist as it is without an “organizing force” (“which some call God”). Hawking has no excuse for not recognizing the obvious.

  2. “Because Jesus understood the origins of being to be Spirit, he was able to restore mangled bodies to health and wholeness. He knew where to go for help and always found it. There was no mystery to his understanding of the divine Mind’s universe and how it operated, and he proved it beyond doubt.” This is just what I needed to hear this morning, Evan. THANK YOU! Lots of love & gratitude for all of your good work. You are SUCH a blessing! xo C.

  3. Thank you, Evan – I too read an article about his recent book, and it highlighted to me again the comprehensiveness of C.S. as THE Science. Thank you for being always so timely!

  4. In “The Grand Design” Stephen Hawking postulates that the M-theory may be the Holy Grail of physics…the Grand Unified Theory which Einstein had tried to formulate and later abandoned. It expands on quantum mechanics and string theories.

    In my e-book on comparative mysticism is a quote by Albert Einstein: “…most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and most radiant beauty – which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive form – this knowledge, this feeling, is at the center of all religion.”

    E=mc², Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, is probably the best known scientific equation. I revised it to help better understand the relationship between divine Essence (Spirit), matter (mass/energy: visible/dark) and consciousness (f(x) raised to its greatest power). Unlike the speed of light, which is a constant, there are no exact measurements for consciousness. In this hypothetical formula, basic consciousness may be of insects, to the second power of animals and to the third power the rational mind of humans. The fourth power is suprarational consciousness of mystics, when they intuit the divine essence in perceived matter. This was a convenient analogy, but there cannot be a divine formula.

  5. creation, yes well, that has always been an unsolved mystery, for me , as a pseudo cs person growing up in the sunday school and later going to church,rarely in my adult life. would be great to me if this concept of the spiritual creation was cleared up. Apparently we have always exited from the cs point of view, but there was a creation, which imlies a beginning.
    So ive always been confused by this. Also the material universe that we are in is not the real spiritual universe, but some how symbolic of the true universe, so did got make the earth or what?

  6. To above,

    I don’t believe there does have to be a beginning. That’s just a limited mortal concept…beginnings and ends. In infinity, there is no beginning, just eternity, with no beginnings and ends.

    God is a term many use to identify the great Source, Intelligence, Mind, if you will, that is at the root of all existence. Creation has a foundation. God, infinite Mind, divine Principle, is the foundation. Reason out from the infinitude of God, and creation starts to make sense.

    CS explains that its not material at all, but wholly spiritual. Starting from the right perspective reveals the true nature of all things in their correct spiritual light. But to reason rightly, you have to start from a spiritual premise. Then it makes sense.

    Well, that was a bit of rambling, but hopefully helpful!


  7. In a comment on another blog, I mentioned the infinite here in the eternal now. Someone replied: “What the hell does that mean?”

    My response was:
    If I asked “where are you here and now?” you might reply with your current address and local time. It would also be true that here and now could refer to this city and day, this state and month, this country and year, this Earth and decade, this galaxy and century, this Universe and millennium. Continue on and eventually you will get to infinity and eternity, where we all are here and now.


    The Old Lady’s TORTOISE (Hinduism) and DRAGON (Taoism) are symbols for WAVE (energy), both are analog with MAGEN DAVID (Judaism). “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” is the metaphor, and also similar with allegory of rituals Thawaf circling around the Ka’ba and Sa’i oscillating along “the sinus” Marwah-Shafa (seven times) during the Hajj pilgrimage (Abraham). CROSS (Christian) and SWASTIKA (Buddhism) are symbols for “Balance of Nature.”

    “A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME – From the Big Bang to Black Hole” by Stephen W. Hawking is the best scientific interpretation of AL QUR’AN by a non believer. It is also a “genuine bridge stone” for comprehensive study of Theology. Surprise, this paradox is a miracle and blessing in disguise as well. It should be very wise and challenging for Moslem scholars and others to verify my discovery, for then we should know the Mind of GOD.

    I am just “ordinary people,” so would you mind correcting my point of view. Thank you.

    Please, see pictures:

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