Mortal mind is the worst foe of the body, while divine Mind is its best friend.
~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 176
Mortal mind is a term used in Christian Science to signify material mindedness, selfishness, fear, sin, disease, and any other mental state that would defy the harmony and peace of divine Mind.
Mortal mind is not your friend! Material mindedness is not going to support your best interests.
Divine Mind supports and sustains all real being with God in Spirit and is a divine power that keeps you happy and healthy.
For the best life, hang out with friends you can count on to support you. Hang out with divine Mind. Run from mortal mind. Stick with the best and live the best.
oh my gosh it’s 4:30 a.m. at disney world as I sit in the epcot parking lot, dressed as minnie mouse, waiting to start the rundisney 5k with…my best friend of 43 yrs. what a perfect spiritview for today!!! “hang out with friends you can count on…run from mortal mind”. thanks evan!
I love this image. I hope you won!
Dear Mind-full Minnie, Have a wonder-filled 5k, with the love of divine Mind lifting you both to the finish kine and beyond❣️
Thank you Evan, What a great thought and quote to begin our day. God’s glorious day. ❤️ ❤️
Yes, Divine Mind is our best friend. So-called mortal mind does not have our interests at heart. It has its own interests at heart, it own agenda, which is to survive. It wants to appear to us as real and appear to be our own thoughts so it can seemingly survive. It knows that when seen through, it will dissolve into its native nothingness. I believe Mrs. Eddy said something to the effect that error comes to us for life, and we give it all the life it has (not sure of where this was written).
So today I am traveling by air to FL with my Best Friend! I love that thought and shall enjoy the entire experience!!!
Thank you, Evan!
Oh, I Love this!! What a wonderful message and such a sweet photo! It really
captures what life is all about … unconditional love and sharing, kindness,
childlike innocence and togetherness with our best friend, God’s Love and
Truth. The silver lining of sunlight, like inspiration highlighting thought, outlines
the perfection in Divine Mind that we cherish. The precious support and inclusiveness
of Divine Love hugs our spirit with an incomparable presence that comforts with
compassion and warmth. This is such a delightful way to start the day …
Thank you Evan.
“Through a lens – CLEARLY” by Janet Clements, from the March, 2009 edition of The Christian Science Journal:—CLEARLY+3.2009.pdf
J, thanks for sharing the article. I like how she describes changing her focus in praying and that brought about the healing.
I do too SEW. I was also interested in the Bible quote, John 9:39 that was referred to in the article: Jesus said, “For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind.” I was looking for more understanding and found this comment, “John 9:39 in the Bible highlights the contrast between those who accept Christ’s message and those who remain in their misconceptions.”
O lovely day! Carol, I love that you said that Divine Spirit hugs our spirit. What a presence of Love these comments evoke! Blessings to all as we traverse the day with our best friend.
Wonderful article J. Thank you for sharing. Thanks Evan, Lovely way to start the weekend.
J is there some way to enlarge the print on that article? I’m unable to read it. Thanks!
Hi Lori, you may be able to highlight the article and “Zoom In” to enlarge the print. Or change the font size if you can. The print is much larger if you can read the article from a laptop. Or, if you have a subscription, you can click on this link for the article:
Wow dear I, that is a wonderful article: through a lense – clearly. Just what I need!
Here is a short passage from this article: “The affirmation of one spiritual creation left no room for a believe in a parallel, material life combining spirit and matter. There is one power, a force for health leaving desease powerless and leaving no room for discordant matter.”
Dear J, thank you for this very helpfull article!♡
Actually, if you click on the above link, you may be able to read the article for free, even if you don’t have a subscription. I think they give you three free articles a month.
Here is a shareable version you can open.
Thank you DKM!
Thank you J for the excellent article and DKM for the link!
Thought provoking – I need to reflect on Divine Mind and its healing rationale. Thank you Evan
If I may add an observation to aid you in your reflecting… a reflection does two things, it receives and gives back what it receives.
wow! love it ♥️
Thank you very very much for this Evan. I am grateful for this, I really need it today. Thanks for being a Good Friend to all of us that read these Gems of Truth. Everyone have a Great Weekend.
Thank you Evan and all. The precious photo above expresses such love
that the companionship which is unconditionally encompassed.. It is like the
everlasting arms of Love that are around, beneath, above. “God it is who
bears us on, His the arm we lean upon” (hymn #53) The hymn goes on to
lovingly say, “He our ever-present guide .. Faithful is, whate’er betide;
Gladly then we journey on, With His arm to lean upon …
From earth’s fears and vain alarms, Safe in His encircling arms, He will
keep us all the way, God our refuge, strength and stay.” So Lovely!
It’s Sunday late Evening here in Germany. I had a quiet nice day and saw nice TV Films, made an afternoon nab and had a nice Evening until the speaker of the weather forecast wished a healhy time. It was after he told us about the weather extremes in Spain and what chaos it caused to those citizens.
What has that to do with sticking with our “best friend” God. At first I became somehow excited about what the weather man told us which wasn’t very positive. Thus I didn’t hang out with God, rather with a bit fear, which however I immediately chased away like dark clouds. After clearing my thoughts with spiritual Truth that God is in control of his universe including his beloved man and all his creatures I calmed down. Thank God that I can surely know that He is ” my shepherd, I shall not want” and that this loving shepherd is looking after us all, protecting us! I think, knowing this was hanging out with my best friend, divine Mind!
Thank you dear Evan for SV and friends for helpful, healing comments. I feel blessed hanging out with you all, when reading and studying SV and all comments and helpful articles – love you all!♡♡♡
I love how you wrote, “this loving shepherd is looking after us all, protecting us [and
everyone],” Uta. This is a lovely thought to hold to with anyone seeming to be in harm’s
way of tornadoes or severe weather of any kind.. Like the dear child above, comforting
and loving the pup … so God also loves and protects us in spiritual reality.
Thank you, J, for the link to the article it worked perfectly as I am a subscriber to the Journal. It’s late so I hope you see this.
The article was outstanding!!!
I’m so glad you were able to access the article Lori!
Thank you for the great insight Evan! Very helpful. And a cute photo. I never thought of divine Mind being my best friend! I always looked for support from friends and family who were often not reliable.