Tag: choices

Be the one who brings peace

September 1, 2020 | 23 comments

“Scoffers set a city aflame, but wise men turn away wrath.” ~ Proverbs 29:8, NKJV “A gang of cynics can upset a whole city; a group of sages can calm everyone down.” ~ Proverbs 29:8, The Message

Breathe in God’s atmosphere of Love divine

August 4, 2020 | 27 comments

Breath is a metaphor for spiritual inspiration. With concerns circulating in public thought about the air we breathe, when I’m out shopping or running errands, I find myself frequently humming these words to a hymn from the Christian Science Hymnal:

Blame less and love more

July 9, 2020 | 22 comments

Do you spend more time blaming others for problems you see in them, or loving others for the good you see in them? Hopefully, the latter! The world could use a lot less blame these days and a lot more

Resist pandemic snacking

June 25, 2020 | 23 comments

With government orders to stay home, millions of people have found themselves close to their food pantry much of the day, and the temptation to snack more than usual may feel hard to resist. But it can be resisted and

Bring hope and comfort to the grocery store

June 3, 2020 | 35 comments

When my local government issued stay at home orders and local media started broadcasting reasons why people should be afraid of the coronavirus, the mental atmosphere in my community turned fearful and strained. For instance, I went to the grocery