Tag: conciousness

Gratitude and happiness

November 28, 2006 | No comments yet

A number of recent studies confirm happiness doesn’t come from having lots of money or showy things. It comes from attitude, perspective and outlook—qualities of life rooted in Spirit, rather than materialism. Malcolm Ritter for AP reported in part: “As

Your effect on others

November 18, 2006 | 1 comment

Heard an interesting analogy yesterday of how our actions impact others… Two men were out fishing in a small boat. One man reaches down to the bottom and starts cutting a hole. A bit terrified his partner says, “What are

Conquering grief

November 9, 2006 | 4 comments

I was notified this week of the passing of a close friend. Her death was a surprise and left me feeling an empty hole inside. She lived to a ripe old age and there was nothing unusual about her passing,

Eating the right amount

October 29, 2006 | 6 comments

I momentarily marveled this morning at our son’s ability to stop eating when he’s had enough food. He’s always been able to say no to over eating. He can have a whole plate of food before him, take a few

Your right place

October 25, 2006 | 2 comments

An article titled “Our place,” printed in the Christian Science Journal, Vol. I, #5, December 1883. I believe that God has given to everyone a place, and in this harmonious creation there is no void, – nothing left out, nothing