Tag: death

Life is Eternal

November 13, 2014 | 22 comments

I like the below phrasing that came from one explaining her understanding of eternal life and how death never happens to the person passing on. “Death is the experience of the on-looker, never of the person said to be dead.”

When a loved one passes

May 28, 2012 | 2 comments

“How do you think about an elderly loved one who looks like they’re going to pass on soon?” an inquirer ask me. “You think about them the same way you’ve hopefully always been thinking about them!” I replied. “As living

Watford to London

October 5, 2011 | 5 comments

With the lecture tour ending on a grand note, we headed into London to spend a couple of days seeing the sights before heading back home to America. We were not disappointed. London is a phenomenal city. The modern and

Eliminating the surprise of death

September 19, 2011 | 2 comments

In my college days, one evening I was sitting in a Christian Science Organization meeting, which is a group of college students and faculty, listening to a student tell how he got interested in and so excited about Christian Science.

Dominion over death and grief

July 8, 2011 | 7 comments

Here’s a quote that passed through my email today that I couldn’t ignore. “Don’t honor death with grief.” Hmmm…certainly lifts thought to a scientific perspective…and shakes thought free of sense bondage too… Life is eternal.