Tag: giving

Helping others because it matters

January 16, 2007 | 6 comments

What drives people to volunteer at the local food bank or homeless shelter? What inspires people to collect thousands of items and prepare care packages to send to troops in the Mid-East? What gives mothers and fathers the courage to


December 15, 2006 | 4 comments

Enjoyed a nice article titled, “Gratitude: A life difference,” by Benjamin Devey. He wrote in part: “Gratitude unburdens our spirit from negative emotions and gives room for charity in our hearts. It opens the windows of heaven to work miracles

Helping others has its reward

January 24, 2006 | No comments yet

John Macartney was skiing down Crystal Mountain in Washington State when he saw two legs sticking out of the snow near a tree off to the side of the ski run. He knew that when a skier falls into a