Tag: kindness

Living love

August 10, 2009 | 7 comments

Would you like more love in your life? Want to feel more of love’s presence? Here’s a fun exercise to do that will draw you closer to what true love is and how to experience it. Take the text of

Judge not

July 1, 2009 | 5 comments

A whole new meaning to Jesus’ admonition, “Judge not,” has been coming to my view. In the past, I’ve associated it as instruction to not think critically of others. But I’m seeing there’s a whole lot more to it. What

Love has no enemies

June 29, 2009 | 13 comments

One of my students shared a terrific experience she had recently which proved the mental nature of encounters with others, in this case, with bees! She loves bees. She loves nature. She loves. In her community, a swarm of bees

True mother-love

June 29, 2009 | No comments yet

For all you animal lovers, here’s a clip that will touch your heart and cheer your spirit. It certainly illustrates the universal nature of a true mother-love. It’s a relationship lesson we all might learn from to bless our acceptance

Healing words and love

May 29, 2009 | 2 comments

A couple of weeks ago after a lecture I gave in the Northwest, a lady told me about her experiences with residents at a home for elders she lived in. She was quite talkative, full of stories and goodwill toward