Tag: Spirit

Church is not dead

July 19, 2024 | 27 comments

“My church is dead,” a friend lamented after attending a series of church services that failed to inspire him. “What church are you attending?” I asked.  “A church of matter or the church of Spirit?”   I remember a time when

Know who you are

July 17, 2024 | 22 comments

If praying for the healing of physical ailment, it helps to remember that from a spiritual point of view, you are not a sick mortal trying to get better.  You are a healthy immortal reflecting spiritual Truth.   Focus on your

God is with us in the hospital

July 11, 2024 | 86 comments

I had a woman call and ask whether I would pray for her because she was in the hospital.  She had taken a bad fall and broken some bones.   “Of course,” I said.  “God is with you as much in

Be a “have”

June 3, 2024 | 24 comments

Are you a have or a have not?   Some people spend a lot of time thinking about what they don’t have.  I don’t have enough money.  I don’t have enough friends.  I don’t have enough time, the “have not” way

Focus on what you are

May 27, 2024 | 19 comments

“I’m not smart enough.  I’m not worthy.  I’m not able …” are beliefs many people struggle with.  If ever tempted to get depressed over what you are not, focus on what you are.  What you are with God in Spirit