Tag: strength

Losing fear of matter

December 10, 2024 | 34 comments

The clearer one is that Spirit is the source of all health, strength and life, the less fear one has of matter—of the physical body—and any medical decree about it.  Why?  Because it becomes apparent that matter can’t take away

Never alone

December 3, 2024 | 21 comments

Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. ~ Joshua 1:9, NKJV

Get Your Identity Right

March 14, 2014 | 8 comments

From a blog reader who spotted this advice on a church reader board… “Don’t let your struggle become your identity.” How true! You are not an illness, a weakness, or a failure. You are a child of God endowed with