Tag: supply

Keep working at it until you succeed

November 13, 2018 | 17 comments

“Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure…. It just means you haven’t succeeded yet.” ~ Robert Schuller “The devotion of thought to an honest achievement makes the achievement possible.” ~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 199

The intelligence of animals

November 12, 2018 | 21 comments

Do animals think? Can they form a plan of action and act on it? I think so. Watch this short endearing video, and you’ll see for yourself. “Mama goose ‘hails’ police to help free gosling” All of God’s creatures express

Express God in everything you do

November 7, 2018 | 21 comments

If you want to have a day filled with health and joy, make expressing God your #1 priority. While driving to work, rather than counting the minutes it takes to get there, count your blessings and remember where they all

The Eye of the Lord and hurricane Florence

September 14, 2018 | 44 comments

Hurricane Florence is landing on the eastern seaboard of the United States threatening thousands of homes with its hurricane force winds and surges of water from the ocean. There has already been a mass exodus of people from the path

God answers every prayer promptly

August 6, 2018 | 21 comments

Do you realize that God hears every one of your prayers and answers it promptly? Jesus said, “…your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!” (Matt. 6:8, NLT). And because God is Love, you can be