Tag: trust

Seek the examination of Spirit

February 2, 2021 | 27 comments

Many people are tempted to believe that they need to go to a doctor for a physical examination to learn more about themselves. If so, the doctor will exam their physical body, give them a physical report, and then likely

The church will survive and thrive

January 25, 2021 | 55 comments

Noticing a declining membership in many branch churches of the international church organization I am a member of, I have worried about the future of my church. “What can I do to turn it around and ensure the church thrives

What is error?

January 19, 2021 | 26 comments

Error is a term used in Christian Science to describe anything and everything that would deny God’s power and presence. It’s a mistake, a wrong point of view. If you want to see what error is, look on page 498,