Tag: video

The intelligence of animals

November 12, 2018 | 21 comments

Do animals think? Can they form a plan of action and act on it? I think so. Watch this short endearing video, and you’ll see for yourself. “Mama goose ‘hails’ police to help free gosling” All of God’s creatures express

VIDEO Seek spiritual light

October 2, 2018 | 12 comments

Have you ever felt like you were walking around in the dark and didn’t know what to do next? Here’s a video I filmed while visiting the Jewel Cave National Monument in South Dakota last June, where I share some

Making spiritual progress

September 12, 2018 | 18 comments

While hiking in the Black Hills last June, I was inspired to video a few ideas on how to make the most important kind of progress. It’s not the money you earn or fame you gain that matters most in

[VIDEO] God is watching out for you

August 28, 2018 | 21 comments

If you’re ever tempted to think you’re walking through life’s adventures alone, rest assured, that you are never alone! God is with you, and He’s watching out for you.

Here’s a short video I filmed while hiking in the Black Hills with my wife last June, where we thought we were alone trekking through the wilderness, but we were not. We were being watched! And then I share a spiritual lesson I learned from that fun moment of discovery.