Take the first step to peace

September 16, 2016 | 8 comments

“You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.”

~ Mahatma Gandhi

When in conflict, be the first to eliminate the verbal and physical fist and open relations to love, forgiveness and reconciliation.

8 thoughts on “Take the first step to peace”

  1. Its very difficult to be the first one to forgive and reconcile. But if you truly love, that love gives you the humility and strength to be the first one to say sorry and reinvent the magic back into your relationship.

    If we truly make up our mind to forgive, then it becomes so easy to go ahead and say “SORRY” I did not mean to hurt your feelings. I would never wish to lose a good friend like you. Lets be friends again.” These few words of sincerity would attract more love than you ever imagined, further strengthen your bond too. It would attract the bonus of more respect from your friend. Why? Because you did what your friend did not muster the courage to do….

    Thanks Evan for this reminder to embrace humility in friendship.

    1. Wow,,, this insight about having the courage to do what your friend did not muster the courage to do really hit the nail on the head for me, Thank you & blessings

  2. Thank you Evan for this blog and all the messages you’ve sent out this past week.
    They caused my heart to sing and soar.

  3. Thanks, Evan! As the well-known song goes: “Let There Be Peace On Earth…..And Let It Begin With Me”!!

  4. If we “stand porter at the door of thought” and think before we speak, we will have no need to forgive. This is my sincere desire.

    1. Once a Christian Science friend made a quick response to something I shared with her. It was totally untrue. I could have just known that and brushed it off. One day I picked up a copy of the The Christian Science Monitor and read the Spiritual Commentary that day. The articles are written confidentially, so you don’t know who has written them. It did not matter, because it was written by one of God’s dear children just for me. Somewhere in there, the writer said, “I hope she can one day forgive me for that comment.” My heart melted because even if she had not written those words, God’s angel message was clear and melted any hardness of heart. Accepting that truth, forgiving her, and listening to Christ Jesus words on forgiveness “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors” -” And Love is reflected in love” by Mrs. Eddy have been a powerful force for the restoration of this dear friendship. We are here to bless, not to injure,
      Christian Science helps us do just that.

  5. thank you. To think first where we are coming from, what is our perspective. I had to learn and still do that I have more time than I think before I need to act.

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