14 thoughts on “The benefit of worthy standards”

  1. This ia great! Thanks for the reminder, Evan!

    Another thing I think of, regarding personal standards; you are known by the company you keep.

    1. Jesus sat down with Publicans and sinners (and was questioned for it). No matter who we are with, we can express and share God’s qualities! With our standards high, we are an example to those around us, and help others lift themselves up.

  2. Oh yes, highly important, thank you Evan!
    Interesting your statement, Jim. It comes to my mind that Christian Science is the Company I keep! Thanks, good idea
    Studying the weekly lesson sermon each day brings us up to a higher spiritual standard from which we can start our God’s day.

  3. yes. I tried to set the bar high with honorable standards for my children and myself ,as their example.. On whatever beginning level it leads toward the good.

  4. In line with setting standards high, I remind myself to regularly check in to see if I am being productive on a daily basis by using my time wisely and if I am sharing joy and love to all I interact with. I give constant thought to activities and friendships and now re-prioritize or eliminate these when needed. By that I mean – are these friendships or relationships adding joy to my life, or attempting to bring negativity to mine? Many years ago, I had two friends that would love to call me daily and attempt to take up my time. I prayed to know these individuals could feel the love God gives them daily and that they didn’t need to share every aspect of their lives with me as God was taking care of them completely! To my surprise, the calls from both individuals stopped on the very same day (they did not know each other)!! Wow!! God hears our prayers and bring results!! Our friendships remained cordial when I saw these individuals around town, but I was never again pestered by all the calls and “drama”. The experience was a “wow” for me as I had continued to be loving to these individuals and never once had to say anything to them indicating that I did not want the many calls! It was a wonderful learning lesson for me and I’ve never had to address such an issue again. At the time I worked with Mary Baker Eddy’s “Improve Your Time” in Misc, Writings which has continued to be valuable to me. So grateful I have learned to keep standards high by checking in with my use of time!

  5. My standards are high: the first two Commandments: to Love God and my neighbor, whomever that might be. I love the statement from Science and Health that begins the first chapter, Prayer: “The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick it an absolute faith that all things are possible to God, – a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love.” An uselfed love is what I strive for daily.

    1. Lori, thank you for the reminder of this beautiful first statement in the chapter on prayer. I have really been trying to hold these two ideas close, trusting God and getting self out of the way. This sentence reminds me that they blend into one beautiful idea.

  6. Yes! We set our standards high spiritually in the kingdom of Love and live them as best as we can. Others naturally benefit by our good example, not by us trying to force our standards on to them. Recently, I was working to hold myself to a very high standard and consequently expecting someone else to hold themselves to the very same standard. Naturally, my human forcefulness was not working out very well for myself or the person. It was driving me crazy and after a beautiful CS Wednesday evening service I was feeling very spiritually alert. During the drive home I wholeheartedly asked God “what do I need to do here?” The answer came clear as day “you have to let it go!” I questioned it at first wondering why God would tell me to let go of the high standard. I realized I didn’t need to let go of cherishing the standard, but trying to force someone else to cherish it. I also knew that this was just the first directive and that there would be more to follow when God was ready to reveal it to me. I felt a huge weight drop off and felt much more peaceful. I’m still working through this challenge, but now I know God’s in the lead and I’m working to follow each God directed step as I hear them.
    It’s important for us (me:)) to realize while holding ourselves to a high spiritual standard we don’t judge or force it on others. Each one is a child of God and on their own unique journey with God. God knows how to lead her/his little children! Thank you Evan and all. What a great gift we are unfolding in our understanding.

  7. Thanks so much Trista for your inspiration to not try to force our standard on others. We each must work out our own salvation – that’s enough of a job!

  8. Great topic Evan. Ellen & Trista said what I would say:
    Ellen, “Jesus sat down with Publicans and sinners (and was questioned for it). No matter who we are with, we can express and share God’s qualities. ”
    Trista, ” It’s important for us (me:)) to realize while holding ourselves to a high spiritual standard we don’t judge or force it on others. Each one is a child of God and on their own unique journey with God. God knows how to lead her/his little children! ”
    Thank you.

    1. That is so nice and perfectly good: God knows how to lead Her/His dear little children! Thanks Mary Ann

  9. This is a wonderful opportunity for me to share a beautiful experience of this topic. My daughter was about 8 years old and had to sit for a state grading examination for aptitude and assessment of her forte and talents. My Christian Science Practitioner told me to think of her as God’s Child first as all her qualities are already at the standpoint of perfection and God is manifesting her qualities. She is fully cared for all her needs and she is not naive due to her age. I am grateful that her teacher told me she scored 99% effortlessly – top scorer for that year. Best thing was she asked why did God gave her only 99% and not 100% but I really have no answer to that yet. But she knew her intelligence and wisdom comes from God that she can rely on for every problems she face in her life. God maintain His high standard and completeness in our expression of Life and not a struggling effort at all from our part to reflect our God given qualities.

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