The dry bites of mortal mind

March 7, 2012 | 6 comments

While taking a quick run through the Australian Museum of Natural Science, mostly because I wanted to see the display of dinosaur skeletons on the third level, I side-stepped into an exhibit on poisonous reptiles in Australia.

The below panel on sea snakes momentarily captivated my attention. I had never heard of a dry bite before.
As you can read above, the sea snake is highly poisonous, but doesn’t necessarily inject poison when biting.
A dry bite…hmmm…
…a bite that might hurt a whole lot, or create a whole lot of fear initially to the one bitten, but is absolutely no danger at all.
My metaphysical mind started a-whirling…
“Bites” come in many different forms, I decided.
A snake bite is one thing, and typically easy to avoid. Mortal mind “bites” are another type, and seem hard to avoid at times.
For instance, if you receive severe criticism from another; that bites! Or if you think you have money in your checking account, and discover you don’t have enough to pay your bills; that bites. Or, if a friend turns harshly against you without warning; that can bite.
An unpleasant surprise may be so shocking to an unsuspecting victim, like a snake attacking from undercover, that they’re not sure they are going to survive. Hatred, fear, and rejection felt might start acting like poison in the system, crippling perspective, destroying hope and causing one to give up trying to rise above it.
But what if we understood, through Science, that every “bite” of mortal mind was a dry bite, a bite that could not hurt or harm us because there was no poison in it?
The “bite” might hurt at first because of the surprise aspect, but if we quickly remember that there is no poison in it, no lasting residual to continue creating harm to our thought and system, we would wake from the shock much quicker, neutralize the impending sense of evil, and prevent further harm.
In Truth, there is no mortal mind, and no mortal mind poison. Jesus Christ proved this when he walked out of the tomb alive. The poison of the world, hate and evil, that tried to destroy him was proven harmless. It had no lasting effect.  And it has no lasting effect on us, no matter in what form it seems to appear.
So, get clear now that no bite of mortal mind can ever poison you. There is no power in evil. Every “bite” is a dry bite, harmless and nothing to fear. Armed with an understanding of Science, you will readily and easily survive any “bite” of mortal mind, because there is nothing in the bite to get to you.
God is All. God is good, and good reigns supreme in your life. There is no room for any other so-called cause and effect.
Dry bites are nothing to fear. From now on…pooh on them…

6 thoughts on “The dry bites of mortal mind”

  1. I’m sure the people of Australia are being so blessed by your being there and there is a blessing for you also! Thank you for all you do. Vicki

  2. LOVE this idea of the dry bite!!! What good metaphysical thought!! You are a blessing to many. Mary

  3. Thanks Evan. You have given us something good to “bite” on. Do so enjoy your great pictures. Keep them coming.


  4. I’ve heard of snakes biting without injecting venom, but I didn’t know a term for it.

    What you wrote reminds me of Gen 49:17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. [The horse is blamed, because no one sees the snake.]

    But Dan is gone in Rev 21.

  5. Thanks Evan. Wish we were back home to show you around. We have a twelve foot python that lives at our house. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t want to bite a Jo or i. But then again God’s man does have dominion

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