The future of healthcare

July 26, 2009 | 5 comments

Healthcare insurance is a hot topic in Washington D. C. and throughout the chambers of Congress debating the issue. The estimated cost is astounding, at least one trillion dollars by conservative estimates.

As I prayed about the future of healthcare, it seemed to me that greater emphasis is needed on disease prevention. Presently, the primary focus is on dealing with effects of poor health through revised insurance programs and administrative procedures, rather than concentrating on the elimination of poor health in the first place.

What if those trillion dollars was focused on helping people stay healthy and keeping them out of health crises to begin with?

The United States spends the most money per citizen for healthcare than any other country, but does not have the healthiest citizens. Facts prove that spending more money is not the answer.

There’s need for a moral and spiritual revolution on the healthcare front that gets to the root of suffering and disease, rather than manipulating effects that continue to grow unchecked and increase expense.

Christian Science has much to contribute to sound healthcare for the population. The focus of attention in Christian Science is on improving one’s moral and spiritual position, reasoning, that as the quality of thought governing the body increases, the body feels an improved effect, and is healthier.

Health is not a condition of matter, but of Mind…,” Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science wrote in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. What doctors diagnose in the body is but effect of opinions, beliefs and fears happening in human thought governing the body. If we want to improve the healthcare of our citizens, the health of people’s thinking needs to be addressed. Pocketbook issues are important, but focus on expense is not getting to the heart of what will improve the health of our citizens in the long run.

Health is spirituality expressed. It is morality, spirituality, and immortality understood, lived and demonstrated. Christian Science helps people think more spiritually, and gives them the spiritual tools they need to counteract suggestions of disease before they manifest physically, thus reducing visits to doctors and keeping medical expenses down.

For instance, many times over the years I’ve felt a cold or flu-like symptoms coming on, and I’ve reversed them by spiritualizing my thought. Instead of mentally submitting to a decree of days of suffering, I affirm my spiritual right to remain healthy and well, remembering that God sustains my health spiritually, and no material germ, bacteria or virus can take it away. Christian Science has saved me thousands of dollars in healthcare costs over the years by keeping me out of the hospital, and healthy at home. It can do the same for you.

Christian Science can work for anyone. It takes work, some prayer and effort to grow spiritually, but the investment is worth the reward. It certainly is a less expensive form of treatment than the ever-growing medical bills people face today.

More than new insurance programs, rules and policies, our country is crying out for a more effective path to health and healing. The present high cost of medical care is not a sign that we need more money to pay for it, but is a sign that the current medical model and approach is not working.

A spiritual approach to healing is a solution that will meet the need. It sounds radical to many people, but it works. A focus on increased morality and spiritual mindedness will keep people healthy and out of the emergency room. It not only eliminates poor lifestyle choices that cause outrageous medical bills, such as the effects endured from smoking, drinking, recreational drug use, obesity, and their kin, it also gives individuals spiritual truths they can use to counteract suggestions of other diseases before they grow out of control and cause expensive medical treatment.

One benefit that spiraling medical costs have created is discussion on options and alternatives. That is healthy. But I pray attention gets turned more in the direction of supporting a preventative program to health and healing instead of battling effects. Christian Science is the way to go.

5 thoughts on “The future of healthcare”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your insights! It seems most folks seem to be completely baffled about how to achieve better health/healthcare. My friends who rely on medical treatment are not satisfied, they are frightened of the drugs they take, but frightened not to take them! Thank God that Christian Sciece does show us the way to better health/better living.

  2. Thanks Evan! I have found that a mention of how much money I’ve saved since becoming a Christian Scientist ends a lot of discussions about relative effectiveness of care. I think people are almost as terrified of the costs as of the bad effects of drugs and treatment.

  3. Healthcare is under review in Australia too, and its all very expensive. I, too, have benefited financially and in other ways from applying CS principles at various times.

    But. CS has been around for more than 100 years and therefore the question I have is: why has its advantages not made a greater impact on Western healthcare?

  4. Oh, I think CS has had a huge impact on Western healthcare. I believe every major medical school in the US has a course, or courses, on the role spirituality and prayer in the sickroom. It’s a growing influence.

    On the other hand, as Mary Baker Eddy predicted, mortal mind has “it’s day.” It tries to imitate the spiritual and reproduce spiritual ideas in material forms. So, as CS advances, mortal mind (the material way of thinking) tries to keep up. As Pharoah imitated Moses by casting down the rod which became a serpent, modern medicine strives to heal through material means. But Moses’ rod swallowed up Pharoah’s. And eventually, as truth gains greater ground in the human mind, spiritual healing will “swallow up” material forms of healing and be seen as the most desirable. It will take time and great spiritual growth for this to be accomplished. In the meantime, I choose the spiritual!

  5. Well its certainly true that from the 1980’s US medical schools have been interested in spirituality, healing etc. I think its taken a change in thinking more towards cooperation rather than competition though – ie, not one mode of healing is better than another.

    And it seems to me CS sits outside this new trend, but perhaps I’m incorrect.

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