The Greatest Cause

December 12, 2012 | 5 comments

What is the most significant Cause you could ever put your time, energy and resources into to bring the greatest benefit to yourself and to mankind in the long run? That is a question millions of people seek answers to when deciding a career, a job change or where to send money for charitable work.
There are political causes, social causes, and religious causes. There are groups fighting for women’s rights, children rights, animal rights, senior citizen rights, against climate change, and for protection of the environment.  There are unions, societies, churches, community groups, clubs, support groups, and a myriad of other organization dedicated to singular causes that members of those groups likely believe is one of the most important, if not THE most important cause worth supporting for the betterment of the world they live in.
But what is the greatest cause?
Causes focused on temporal change like a cleaner environment, ethics in government, economic equality, and so on, often have merit and, when guided by a moral compass and unselfish ideals, have good effect on humanity’s well-being. But there comes a point when the job is finished, and the question begs an answer again…what next?
When the recent national election finished November 7th, thousands of workers for many different political campaigns – their “cause” – were out of work. They had done their job. Half were victorious, half felt defeated. What comes next was a big question for many of them. What is the next big cause worth fighting for?
When thinking though my own answer to these questions, it seemed to me that the underlying driver behind people motivated to avidly support whatever cause they are inspired to jump behind, is a deeper issue of “What is truth?”
Women’s rights activists in decades past fought for women’s rights because equality was a fundamental right, or truth, that should be understood by all of humanity about all women.
Activists for a cleaner environment jumped onto the environment bandwagon because a clean environment is necessary for safe living. It’s a fundamental truth that needs to be understood and acknowledged by all people.
But what is the greatest truth of all that, understood, will benefit the most people in the most ways?
I believe it’s understanding the supremacy of God’s goodness.
Is not the greatest conflict between good and evil?
Rightly-guided activists and reformers down through the ages have fought some form of evil, whether racism, slavery, discrimination, ignorance, greed or some other dark phase of the carnal mind. The list is endless. But the Big Battle, the Big War, if you will, is always between good and evil.
The greatest Cause is the one that fights evil, the great Liar, the carnal mind.
If a big old oak tree in your front yard needs to be cut down, eliminating a branch here and there may make the job easier in the end. But until the trunk is attacked, and the roots left to die, the job is not done.
The greatest Cause in the world is the one that demonstrates the supremacy of God’s goodness and ends the claims of evil in all their forms.
The claim that evil exists is the trunk that needs to fall. The branches will come down with it.
Understanding God’s supremacy and demonstrating its power is the axe that fells the tree.
Christian Science is a Cause devoted to this task.

5 thoughts on “The Greatest Cause”

  1. Thank you for sharing this angel message today! Makes me feel that challenges I’ve been facing and praying about with bullying from a Goliath may help others by healing thought of evil having all the power! God bless you and all dealing with this now!

  2. Thank you Evan!

    So important your clear thought and the teachings of Christian Science which guide us to the Truth of the omnipotence of God, Good and the tools that are available in our Dual Pastor, the Bible and Science and Health. Daily there are plenty of opportunities to listen and to demonstrate the power of Good to destroy the belief of evil.

  3. I agree with Evan, that C/S is the greatest of all causes. But is that the only great cause? I have been thinking on those lines for a long time and I have come to an even greater cause. A number 1, so to speak. That cause is becoming a PARENT. What greater cause is that coupled with C/S to inject from the first glimpse of the world to be led by a parent to a child from birth, the study of his/hers true divine nature. Thus the child will be led to success in any endeavor he/she chooses.

  4. Thanks Evan. You said it well and I’ll remember what you said about Gratitude in this context, that the best way to express gratitude is to do it.

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