The mother of patience

June 13, 2023 | 25 comments

Patience is sister to meekness, and humility is its mother.

~ Proverb

When we have humility to admit that God knows the answer, we find patience to wait and see what God reveals.

25 thoughts on “The mother of patience”

  1. I’ve found that humility is the solution to more problems and the way out of more wrong thinking than I would have ever imagined. The minute I let go of “my way” and humble myself before His way, a sense of freedom flows in.

    I tried to look up the origin of this quote. It seems to be what has been called a durhamism after a marketing executive named John Durham. More of his quotes at:

  2. Thank you Evan! What you say is exactly what I need, clearer said, what our church members need very much for an important decision we all have to make!

    And thank you Rose for your comment, which is very well said. Meekness and Humility to admit that God knows the perfect answer, we find patience to wait and see what God reveals for us as the best!

    Thanks Evan, that is most comforting and helpful!!!♡

  3. And according to the picture, joy is the outcome of patience and humility,
    all things working together for the glory of God. Everyone rejoices in
    letting God, divine Love, care for us all. Mary Baker Eddy says
    that we should wait patiently for divine Love to move on the waters of
    mortal mind and form the perfect concept.

      1. I love this message today and all the helpful comments! I think humility brings joy and healing because it is letting go of our own human sense of things and yielding to God the perfect Mind to govern the situation. According to Adam Dickey in God’s Law of Adjustment, when in our helplessness are willing to give up our own frightened and uncertain sense of what is right and let God govern the situation for us, then no power on earth and can stop the rightful and harmonious action of God from taking control of the situation and governing everything in accord with His law. That is a paraphrase. It’s a relief to let God have the reins!

    1. Maggie, thanks for pointing out that joy is the outcome.. In sharing a truth. We can celebrate it doesn’t mean more work but leads to joyous living.
      We can be deeply in earnest and still spiritually lighthearted..

  4. Said differently. Patience and meekness are mutually inclusive. And Humility is being devoid of ego.

    knowing is greater than reacting.

  5. Such a profound inspiration, Evan, and so applicable in healing many human problems. Thank you.

  6. The longer I live, the more I realize that one cannot have too much humility. Instead of self-depreciation, humility is the ability to let go of self-interest and ‘urgency for an answer,’ and allowing God to do the rest. I have always loved the wise counsel of ‘letting things unfold’ and getting my hands off from a situation. Humility and patience go hand in hand. Evan, thank-you for this profound reminder. It is very needed and very necessary!

  7. My dad told me when I was approaching my teen years “keeping your mouth shut and your mind open will keep you out of a lot of trouble”. I wish I had followed this wise advice more closely.

  8. May I add a few more quotes I found that may be helpful:

    “Humility is dependence on God
    as pride is independence of Him. The humble
    soul is always the thankful soul”.

    “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones,
    holy and beloved, compassionate hearts,
    kindness, humility, meekness and patience”
    Colossians 3: 12

    “Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position
    or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility,
    service and character.”

    “Patience grows in the soil of contentment,
    watered by thanks giving”.

    “Adopt the pace of nature …
    her secret is patience”. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

    And from my own pondering … Patience, like divine Love, has an
    added dimension, that without patience, and One Mind, would not be seen.

  9. I love the phrase” let go and let God.”
    “ wait patiently for divine love to move upon the waters of mortal mind”…

  10. Thank you everyone for your input, and Carol, for the quotes – I particularly like

    “Patience grows in the soil of contentment, watered by thanks giving”.

    Being content and grateful for what we have, and cherishing all the good we have discovered that God is always providing for us, results in a deeper understanding of God and His love for us. Consequently we find it natural to wait patiently for God, whatever problems we face, trusting in Him, and humbly waiting for what God is revealing to us.

    1. Thank you, Maggie. The sweet laughter and love on the photo
      above, as you wrote, “rejoices in letting God, divine Love
      care for us all.” They all certainly look content!

  11. Today’s message is so consistent with an article from the journal that I have been staying very close to recently. I would guess that I probably got it from one of the Spirit View columns.
    Proving God’s Omnipotence. CS Journal. September 1969, Hilda B. Griffith.

  12. A powerful article, RH, Thank You and gratitude for all the
    commenters. In reflecting on these helpful thoughts,
    Galatians 5: 22-23 came to mind, (emphasis added):
    “But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering
    (Patience), Gentleness (Kindness), Goodness, Faith, Meekness,
    (Humility), Temperance (Self control); against such there is no law.”
    Knowledge is Power, thus as Jesus so rightfully stated, “Ye shall
    Know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free”. When we
    know nothing but the Truth and the way God cares for us,
    we can feel His presence and Love so wonderfully.

  13. This week’s lesson is wonderfully and beautifully manifesting to us that omnipotent God is the creator of everthing, and he made everthing very good, as the Bible says.
    And relating to today’s SpiritView this verse is very outstanding to me, namely the admonishen of God: “be still and know that I am God.” That means for me: let go and let God!

    Thank you all for your inspired comments♡

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