The password to God’s blessings

November 19, 2018 | 13 comments

Psalm 100

A Thanksgiving Psalm
On your feet now—applaud GOD!
Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence.
Know this: GOD is God, and God, GOD. He made us; we didn’t make him. We’re his people, his well-tended sheep.
Enter with the password: “Thank you!” Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank him. Worship him.
For GOD is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, loyal always and ever.

~ The Message

13 thoughts on “The password to God’s blessings”

  1. What an amazing post Evan. Thanks so much. The password for God’s blessings is ” Thank you”. The more grateful we are the more blessings we receive. Gratitude makes you rich and complaints bring poverty. Gratitude opens the door for graces and gifts from God and complaints, ingratitude, jealousy, closes the doors of blessings, and at times we also lose our priced treasures.
    God in His kindness gives us plenty but do we open our eyes to appreciate, be grateful and share our plenty? Instead our focus is always on what we don’t have…and we grudge, be sad, complain.
    Let’s sit down, count our blessings and be deeply grateful from the depths of our hearts for the countless blessings God showers on us every moment. A great sage has said ” If we put all the Waters of the ocean together to make the ink in a pen and put all the earth of the world together to make a writing pad, yet we cannot be grateful enough for the wondrous graces, gifts, beauty, love, mercy and goodness that God bestows on us, His children.

  2. Thank you so much for this lovely ‘view’ of thanksgiving, Evan – a good start to Thanksgiving week.
    Nergish, I love your expansion of the lines in hymn 249 – I shall be using that hymn in our Thanksgiving service this week.

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Evan and Spiritviewers for all you share. I feel like this is such an inclusive, loving family. I love the hymn, “A grateful heart a garden is, Where there is always room For every lovely, God-like grace to come to perfect bloom.”
    All of the seeds planted in this wonderful garden of thought, even in the seeming dormant times of winter, are there ready to come to perfect bloom… and do, every time we are grateful for our many, many blessings.

  4. Inspiring! I love hearing different Bible translations! Helps to see and hear the message in a whole new way! Thank you!

  5. Oh thank you Evan! How endless good is our GOD!
    Like to share how Truth wins. Yesterday night I struggled with thoughts about a friend, I knew they did not come from God. I affirmed prayerfully that only God´s thoughts fill all room, and only God´s good thoughts can enter my conciousness. Then sometime I fell asleep. Today I stood up, I heard my guinea pigs quiecking for food. I felt somehow more free and then I read the lesson sermon. Later I went to my RR service and met this friend. We talked nicely and we laughed and we loved. And I praise our God on High for this proof of Truth´s and Love´s victory, as it m u s t always be, as our good God is all in all!

    Thank you all for your inspiring and loving comments! 🙂

  6. Thank you Evan and thank you all for your comments. Thank you especially Uta for sharing your lovely experience. Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving! (=

  7. Thank you Rhonda.
    And I ad an awareness I once had clearly through prayer, when I needed it, namely that Thankfulness is a blessing quality of our Father-Mother God, which all children of the loving God reflect naturally. What a wonderful reassuring Truth!

    Have you all a nice God-blessed day

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