The positive side of stress

April 11, 2016 | 15 comments

Here’s a short quick video on how to view stress constructively.

Don’t complain. Grow!

“Be a lobster”

15 thoughts on “The positive side of stress”

  1. Wow! I feel so blessed by these Divine Views, as if every one is speaking to my need.
    Thank you Evan, so so much.

  2. Perfect! Thanks, Evan! I’m feeling a bit stressed and stretched at this time in my life, like I don’t fit here any more – things are changing and looking different. Ahhh… I see….I am growing new, outgrowing the old! God, please give me the Courage to Change and Move Forward! Thank You! Love You!

  3. Thank you Evan. I also checked out other short videos of Rabbi Twerski. His views on Love and Happiness are also quite interesting.

  4. I was taught in CS sunday school to view problems & obstacles as an ‘opportunity’ for growth, Thank you!

  5. that little bit of uncomfortableness can signal we are growing. and hanging on to old ways that need to go. I’ve never suffered from the truth. When I watched this I thought of the sand in the oyster shell and the irritation produces a pearl.

  6. I love this! Then I had the thought that so many parents today try to shield their children from stress or dealing honestly with things – with all good intentions, but as an educator I often see how that stifles their growth and ability to deal with situations and learn.

  7. I really loved the stress analogy. By the way… The picture of the lobster that you have above is that of a Southern ocean saltwater spiny lobster or Crayfish, common in New Zealand waters. No pincers like the their Northern brothers. Don’t like admitting, but I may be diving this weekend to grab a couple of these for dinner 🙂

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