The power of simple acts of love

August 16, 2019 | 24 comments

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

~ Leo Buscaglia

How many lives are you turning around today with the love you express?

24 thoughts on “The power of simple acts of love”

  1. Oh, thank you for showing up Spiritview. With profound gratitude, I thank you Evan. I have narrowed down my searches on my IPad to JSH and Spiritview these days. I used to look at different news sources but as of late I really cannot be comfortable looking at them. I understand the need to “Stand Porter” and not allow any words of error enter my thoughts. I have enjoyed reading Leo Buscaglia in the past and this quote is a reminder of why.
    I will continue to know there is unrest in our world that needs my ongoing prayers but I do not have to read about them. In the past, I could always find a kernel of hope and optimism but as of late, it’s been a bit daunting for me. I am so very grateful for TRUTH, my ongoing understanding of Christian Science, God, and LOVE. I have come to depend on this resource for comfort so again, thank you and thank all who come here to share their thoughts. Knowing you’re all out there in our world provides me with deep peace❣️

    1. Thank you! I will apply your policy. Best sources I can find are Spirit View and CS Monitor.

  2. Thank you, Evan, for validating my practice of
    appreciating or recognizing others. Sometimes I wonder if it’s annoying to compliment a stranger!!

    BTW- I just now at 9:43 pm received this morning’s post!! But- yeah! I got it!!

    1. I say hello and smile at everyone. Some grumps appear startled and maybe annoyed. Yet over time they return a smile and greeting. It is a joy to see a grump evolve into a happier person.

  3. Thank you Evan for reminding us all to be kind as we go about our daily round. I endeavour to uplift those I meet with a cheerful smile and a compliment whenever I can.
    One day while travelling on the bus to town, a young mother had a nine month baby girl in a pram, quite close to me. She was beaming a wonderful smile to all those around her! It had such an effect on the crowded bus that everyone started smiling and talking to each other. A young man said to me “I wish I could be as happy as that baby” and I replied that he could be by focusing on the good in his life. That bus ride really put a “spring in my step” that day! And I’m sure I wasn’t the only one that was uplifted!

  4. I was just so touched last week. As a “senior” I seldom get compliments. When I was in Walmart,
    a man in a wheelchair said, “Didn’t I just see you on the other side of the store?” I replied, “Well, I suppose so, that’s where I came in.” The man replied, “I never forget a pretty face!” Even if he
    said that to every woman he saw, it was special that he said that to me!

  5. I just got this today (Saturday) but it’s message is perfectly timed as I am on duty in the Reading Room this morning. Grateful also for the lovely comments above. This is a lovely blog to be greeted with today on this very wet morning here in my part of the UK!

  6. Thank you Evan , I am grateful to know it wasn’t ‘operator error’ (me) that kept me from getting SpiritView yesterday, look forward every day for the uplift.

  7. Thank you Evan,and all. Since in Spiritual Fact, there is no so-called past or future, isn’t every choice we make for appreciating, enjoying the presence of, and extending love, in whatever way/form, to our brothers/sisters, allowing us to live in the love divine, this NOW and the next NOW, which is eternity, the only “”time” there is? It feels like: “the loveliness of Love(Soul) is all around”, as Hymn 64 says…

  8. Evan, your precious blog reminds me of a connection I made with a homeless woman,
    I will call Jenny, who everyone in my condo nick-named “The Screamer”. She screamed night and day. In the middle of the night I would hear, “Don’t touch me!!!” During the day she screamed, “I am not alone.” She interrupted my sleep so much that I was beginning to hate her. I knew that was not good for either of our souls, so I decided then and there that I would get to know her. We live across the street from a large park, so the homeless were always close by. When I spoke to her, i learned that she carried a tin of her husband’s ashes close to her heart, her brother’s ashes next to that, and a tin of her son’s ashes below under her clothes.. That’s why she was not alone. This touched my heart, The next time I saw Jenny pushing her full cart outside my 3rd floor window, I prayed out loud, “The Christ in me is the same as the Christ in you, Jenny. God loves you as much as God loves me.” Then I added prayers for her safety and well-being. While I was praying behind tinted glass, so I could not be seen, she stopped, looked all around and up as if hearing my prayer for her. When I finished, she continued on her way, Two days later, I was sitting in a coffee shop next to the park having my numeric almond milk,
    when Jenny came by. Again, I was behind tinted glass, so she could not see me, but again she stopped and looked around while I prayed silently for her: “The Christ in you is the same as the Christ in me.” When I completed my prayer, she moved on. Jenny stopped screaming. That was the most profound effect i noticed from my prayers. I could sleep at night. It was getting cold, so I bought Jenny a warm down jacket. When I showed her, she laughed and said, “Too late.” and showed me the warm down jacket someone else had given her. We hugged and were bonding. Lots more to this story, but enough for now. The town spent over a $ million on a homeless shelter. More to this story, too. Grateful for God’s love and guidance.

    1. Thanks Lisa for sharing your experience with loving and praying for Jenny.
      That’s following Jesus Christ and his open heart – embracing any and all humanity. No labels!

  9. Mj from Calgary
    I must say that I have so many deeds of kindness done for me that I am deeply grateful. I live alone and when I go shopping I have difficulty walking and nearly every time some young person offers to help carry groceries or parcels, even I the rain. It does matter and I feel so blessed.

  10. Some years back, a man soon to be released from prison sat behind me week after week at church. We exchanged friendly smiles each time and I would always listen to what was going on in his life. We would talk about God and the fact that He was always near and gently caring for us all. The man began to feel God’s presence and I told him I would always be his friend. I will never forget the surprised look on his face as he looked into the distance as he told me he never even had a friend. At the time, I was grateful I was able to provide clothing and groceries when he was first released back into society as he had nothing. His appreciation was great!! He went on to make more friendships, got married, embraced grandchildren, purchased a home and opened and has maintained a business (something that he had always dreamed of doing)! His business continues to thrive still 4 years later! God is good!! I often think the whole experience helped me even more as I will forever be grateful for the opportunity of this experience of recognizing God working through us all at times of need. I recently went into his business during a visit (7 years later after moving from away from the area), and yes, we will always certainly be friends!. So good to know that the “smallest acts of caring” does bring about such potential to turn lives around!! We are all so blessed by the good we do for others as it becomes so crystal clear just how much it helps us by doing so!

  11. I got this just this morning too. It is a precious Postscript to Thursday’s precious video. Thank you Evan and thank you all for your comments.

  12. I try to remember the truth about us all at my job and around me. when the truth in you connects to the truth in them, it is never unpleasant.

  13. Thank you all so much. I came to my room ,I live in a CS Nursing Facility, broke into tears over a long standing health problem rhat hasn’t yielded. Very frightened. This blog was so full of love for one another that I was up lifted. Still lots of tears but encouraged to find people to bless and to trust all the goodness I feel here.

  14. Thank you, this is wonderful and so true and good to remember. Especially when wondering if I should have done “more”. Simple acts matter. (Interesting, I had just ordered one of Leo Buscaglia’s books, hadn’t read since the 80’s!)

  15. Yes, people put on the best of clothes, but forget to wear a smile. They speak big things but don’t bother to give a patient listening to a troubled heart. Their pride restrains them from giving a well deserved compliment.

    It’s not important to be wealthy…but it’s more important to be rich in good deeds and kind words. Your best dress, your expensive make up will not make you look beautiful if you have forgotten to wear a smile on your face. Your so called good deeds won’t fetch you much points if you are rude and unkind.

    The happiness you gain from giving a smile, kind words of appreciation, a smile, a compliment, moral support to friends, is unmatched. It blesses and protects you and yours and makes living worthwhile

    Thanks Evan for this lovely reminder.

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