The value of stillness

January 27, 2012 | 4 comments

Below is a link to a well-written article on the value and necessity of stillness in our life. 
With the constant noise and rush-rush of fast-paced living and mind-numbing, attention-sucking pull of the Internet, people need stillness and quiet to stay in touch with their spiritual sense.
Author Pico Iyer has shared some useful insights on the benefit of quietness in his piece,

4 thoughts on “The value of stillness”

  1. Thank you Evan for sharing the insightful article, “The Joy of Quiet”. I often think of Jesus’ example when he went into a garden, a ship, or up into a mountain for time apart to think and pray, and perhaps to consider the God-given dominion that brought healing and freedom to so many. What he considered during that quiet time enabled him to say to the threatening storm, “Peace, be still”. And then we read, “there was a great calm”. (Mark 4) Today, living with grace, that is under the divine influence, and expressing the same God-given dominion and authority, we can say to the storm of schedules and electronics, “Peace, be still” and to feel that same great calm. Thanks again, Evan!

  2. Thank, Evan, for identifying this piece by Pico Iyer.

    My sense is that Christ Jesus, arguably the most accomplished man on the globe, pursued and resided in “the joy of quiet” — in prolonged periods of sweet communion with God. He even said, in essence, that to pray effectively and to hear what God is communicating, we should go into a closet and shut the door! This is a type of metaphor for mentally retreating from the incessant chatter of competing human opinions, changeable human theories, and disturbing images (currently exploding through the efficiency of technology) and quieting thought, being still, so that we can tune in to God’s voice, direction, guidance and perspective. The Bible, in Matt. 5, referring to Jesus, records this: “And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain:” Perceiving the multitude of distractions in the human condition, Jesus climbed to a higher place in thought to become fully conscious of what was really present – spiritual life and being that is intact, complete, safe, undisturbed and wholly governed by God, Love; then, he was prepared to honor God with amazing healing work.

    Mary Baker Eddy in her book, Science and Health, writes: “Jesus prayed; he withdrew from the material senses to refresh his heart with brighter, with spiritual views.” This can certainly be the outcome for anyone who pursues the ‘joy of quiet,’ the deepest satisfaction of listening to our divine Parent and receiving His assurances that ‘all is well,’ ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love,’ ‘You are mine.’

  3. The Joy of Quiet, the title alone was like being led to the still waters (23rd Psalm) of Soul. Yes, the clamor of modern “news”is so noisy..prayer and quiet and stillness are the hope of mankind, for out of that mental quietude comes the ideas that will heal and uplift the race. Thank you, Evan, for sharing this, it is beautifully written and the message very thought provoking.

  4. I’ve been reading a book titled Everyone Communicates Few Connect by Maxwell. I think our world right now is alot like this – lots of verbage, little dept of meaning. As communication is motivated through the Higher Power, true connection happens. Stillness does bring us into this connection. Liked the website.

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