Thinking about retirement?

June 7, 2023 | 23 comments

Retire from material sense and stay fully employed with spiritual sense. You’ll live happier and healthier than ever!

23 thoughts on “Thinking about retirement?”

  1. Amen to your teaching, thankyou for your inspiration. I agree, There is no retirement in the Kingdom of God we live in the Spirit and in Christ Jesus, healed, restored, renewed by the power of the Holy Spirit to teach the Gospel of Christ. Age is just a number and does not define who we are as a child of God. As an 81year old still serving the Lord the joy of the Lord is my strength, all praise and Glory to Him who died and rose again that we may have Life eternal. God bless and keep you in His love

  2. Very inspiring thoughts – thank you Evan.

    It is a good idea to think of retiring as RE-TIRING – i.e.putting on new tires –
    all ready to move with new vitality to new views of God’s Creation.

    1. Love the idea of “new tires”! It changes a word that sounds “tired” to the idea of movement and continuing to go “replenished” with God wherever you’re led by Him/Her, leaving matter in the dust! When planning a party at the end of 33 years teaching, I decided to call it a “Replenishment Party”. My friends and colleagues attending became a part of that fresh new mindset. I’m SO grateful for SpiritView and its community of sharing!

    2. That is brilliant Maggie, thank you so much. How clever – I shall use that, if I may. I’m certainly ready for the next chapter of life on my brand new tires anticipating the guidance of the Holy Spirit to take me where Spirit leads. How exciting. PRAISE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Amen x

  3. Now that is very neat Maggie, if I may say so.

    It’s all in the thinking.
    .Clear, honest, profound thinking.

  4. Rose shared an article from a 1926 Sentinel a day or so ago (Thanks Rose!) and whenever someone shares an article I tend to want to read the entire Sentinel/Journal in which the article appeared. 🙂 In the same Sentinel as the article Rose shared was an article that had a reference to how someone felt guilty denying (retiring from) what the material senses were telling them when it appeared so real. You can read the article by clicking on the link below. For some reason the practitioners response as stated in this article really resonated with me. I hope you all get inspiration from it too!

    Affirmation of Truth and Denial of Error

    1. RH I look forward to reading that article, glad I was able to point you in a good direction. Sometimes when I post something late in the day I wonder if anyone sees it, you all are an early bunch! (in U.S. time anyway). I’m not much of a morning person. But morning or evening, Truth is always true and always good to share, we all see what we need to see, when we need to see it.

  5. Thank you Evan. Thank you all. Thank you RH for the article.
    The third stanza of hymn 53 points to where our thoughts on retirement should be directed to.
    From earth’s fears and vain alarms
    Safe in his encircling arms,
    He will keep us all the way,
    God, our refuge,strength and stay.

  6. I love the thought of retiring from material sense and also Maggie’s idea of putting on new tires and moving forward to greater spiritual heights! God is ever our employer.

    On one of the videos shown during the Mother Church Annual Meeting the other day a man was sharing about a healing he’d had and how profoundly it affected him. He said he now considered his regular job where he went to work every day to be his part time job and knowing and expressing his true God nature became his full time job. The way he said it really impressed me. Link to the Annual Meeting

  7. Thank you all for these inspiring words and for the article, RH. It is
    very inspirational.
    Being retired now, gives more time to express God’s ever present
    help in providing supply and making home a very special place
    where Love resides. Where I used to work hard in helping to make
    other’s homes lovely, (“materially” speaking), I now have the time to
    share the blessings of my own home (spiritual surroundings) with
    those who come or pass by, to enjoy.

  8. Dear Rev. thanks for your comment. I retired about 17 years ago and for me it was the beginning of really living. I had always worked very hard, often times in more than one job. After retiring, I have been able to do all of the things I had always wanted to do. Especially travel to foreign countries and see sights I had only read about. It has expanded my interests. I also have more time to help others, rather than thinking mostly about myself. Best of all was being able to be more active in my branch church and having more time working on spiritual growth.

    1. LOL , J ! Love that smile! That is a great article and thanks for sharing it. After
      reading, some thoughts for … continued work, always. No retiring with these
      to keep us busy:

      Creative expressions
      Daily thoughts anew
      An abundance of renewed inspiration and
      Angel thoughts coming our way.

      1. A little humor… 🙂

        I love your inspiring view of “retirement” Carol! Thank you for sharing it and all your comments on Spirit View. It may get late, and I may not always comment, but I always enjoy reading them!

        1. Thank you, J . I comment so much on here, because I love
          learning from everyone, that to respond to all of my comments
          would be a “full time job”. LOL (keeping with today’s theme.)
          The articles you so thoughtfully present are always right on
          topic, for which I am very grateful. I am learning so much
          from them.
          Humorr sure makes everything more pleasant. And God
          certainly has a sense of humor with the spiritual creation of
          giraffes, monkeys, kangaroos, etc.

  9. Thank you very much Evan. That is a wonderful idea and, I think, very necessary to retire from material sense and stay fully employed with spiritual sense. That doesn`t neccessarily mean to retire from material sense only when one retires from his/her human job/profession. It is not connected to time, rather in whatever state of profession we are, we can immediately start to stay employed with spiritual sense. When I worked as a German/English secretary in an im- and export company, also selling the goods they imported, that meant to me earning money for the company, several times I had the desire to pray. Then I went into the kitchen, connected to that company, and prayed intensively the 23. Psalm. That did so good and refreshed me and gave me peace.
    I am very grateful for Evan`s spiritual views he is giving us so lovingly and which uplift and comfort and teaches us the needed Truth! And I am endless grateful for Christian Science and the Sunday School in which I got the first lessons that God is Love and that he is ever present etc.

    Thank you all very much for your really good and helpful comments and the link to the article, “J” gives us here. It always helps me very much reading those healing articles and comments! 🙂

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