A passage loaded with spiritual meaning and healing power and often quoted from Science and Health by readers is, “When the illusion of sickness or sin tempts you, cling steadfastly to God and His idea. Allow nothing but His likeness to abide in your thought. Let neither fear nor doubt overshadow your clear sense and calm trust, that the recognition of life harmonious — as Life eternally is — can destroy any painful sense of, or belief in, that which Life is not” (p. 495).
What does it mean to “cling steadfastly?”
I saw an example when I was sitting on a beach a while back watching people walk down the coastline. A young couple appeared with a small baby. The dad was carrying their infant in a sling on his chest. It was windy and sunny and he was doing everything he could to protect his treasure from getting windblown or too hot from the sun. He was fussing over the coverings, holding her tight in his arms, and taking charge to ensure everything was okay with that little one. He also appeared to be a type of guy you wouldn’t mess with, or he’d probably whack you one.
As I watched how tightly this father held his child, and the tender love and care he was showing for his family, I was reminded of the passage written above commanding us to cling steadfastly to God and His idea. I thought, “If we would cling as steadfast to God and His idea as this father was clinging to his child, we’d see more healing when turning to God for help.”
I thought, “If a stranger walked up to that guy and tried to take that baby from him, he wouldn’t let that person get near that child. He would resist mightily, he would fight back. He would do absolutely everything and anything in his might and power to keep another from stealing that child or even touching it. His love for that child would be his call of duty to protect it, even above his own life.”
Then I thought, are we willing to do the same with “God and His idea,” when praying to God for help? Are we as willing to cling steadfastly to the healing truth as this father did to his child no matter what kind of resistance we faced? Or do we give up too easily?
Every problem we face is an opportunity to learn more about God and our relationship to God—to get the right idea of His care and love. As we understand the right idea of God better, healing happens. The false falls away. So, holding to the right idea of God is critical for success in spiritual healing.
So, back to steadfast clinging to God and His idea…
Are we willing to fight for God’s idea to remain in our consciousness? Or do we relent at the slightest pressure from elsewhere to doubt whether prayer is even going to help?
Are we willing to resist every temptation to give up, to let up, to become apathetic, to not care, or not work hard enough for success?
Are we willing to sacrifice convenience, attention to other affairs, other duties and distractions to hold the right idea of God in thought until we understand it and demonstrate it? Are we willing to sacrifice any selfishness that would weaken our resolve to succeed? Are we clear that there is nothing more important than understanding God better and what it means to be God’s perfect idea?
These are good questions and deserve honest answers.
The instruction to “cling steadfastly” is no light request. It is essential to success in healing. It’s demanding, it requires avid attention and solid commitment, but is rewarding when faithfully done. God’s idea becomes better understood, and blessing occurs, making all the effort worth it.
Your clinging to God is well worth the effort and thinking spiritually allows us to take the time to get it right.
Excellent post. The example of the young father clinging to his precious cargo is such a great visual, Evan. Nothing on earth could prompt him to let go of that child. Much to ponder here.
That’s sooo Good, Evan! And I’m sure you experience many patients in your ministry as a Christian Science Practitioner who are learning how to “cling steadfastly”. It takes a lot of discipline, persistence, faith, trust, love and desire to cling to God in times of trial. But this is the very thing that strengthens us in our spiritual growth! Sometimes it can seem easier to take the more material route for healing and that’s when I have to question myself re. “What am I in this for….?? Comfort and ease, or spiritual growth and Love of God?” New Year Blessings to All!
Thank you Even.So needed, as many of your posts are; spot on for various needs. The analogy of the father actively & ready to fiercely defend his baby is a strong rebuke to the false belief of “stiff upper lip” and the belief that God requires is children to be deprived of human solace & comfort. It is helping me to face this down ! Carry on !
Thank you so much Evan for elaborating on this statement. For myself, when I can realize that the truth God is giving me is already true I ask myself what is my part, Could it actually be to just cherish and embrace this truth, no matter how simple it seems?
A few years ago I was, once again, struggling with a lifelong battle of weight. In a somewhat whinny tone I asked God why He hadn’t helped me in all this time to overcome the weight problem. I had dieted, many times, and lost and regained the weight over and over,and frankly I was frustrated and putting the blame on God. But once again I asked God for the truth that makes free and this is what I heard, “I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well.” (from Psalms 139:14) That got my attention! Could it be that God didn’t see my as overweight and discouraged? Could it actually be God was telling me how He sees me? Yes! I saw clearly that God was telling me He made me to praise Him and that I was awesomely and spiritually made. I was overjoyed and accepted this as true for myself right then.
From that point on I hung onto this message like a lifeline let down from heaven. Whenever the suggestion of weight would come to me I would protest “NO! I will praise You heavenly Father for I am awesomely and wonderfully made,; marvelous are Thy works and that my soul knows right now.” This took persistence because there was no change. Days, then weeks, then months went by with no change. But I knew what I had heard and I wasn’t letting go of it. I held on to what God had showed me. Each day, sometimes several times a day, for about 18 months I embraced this truth with great joy and expectation.. I never thought about the weight problem again, only the truth. Then one day I noticed my clothes were loose, and over the course of the next few months my weight just normalized until I was 4 sizes smaller. There was no struggle, no diet, no effort, only loving and really clinging to what God had showed me. I literally felt like I was made new.
I am so grateful for the weight loss, of course, but even more for learning the value and strengthening that clinging steadfastly to God and His idea brings. In the past when I didn’t see any immediate results from knowing the truth that came to me in prayer I would move on, looking for a better truth, a newer truth. Now I know better and am not so quick to be talked out of and abandon the healing truth God gives.
I would like to encourage anyone who is struggling with a stubborn problem to just be as faithful and persistent as you can in clinging steadfastly to the truth and see the wonderful healing this can bring. Thank you again Evan for this post and for all that you do!
Karen what a beautiful example you have experienced…
this has given me great joy to begin this day…thank you
Thank you Karen… what a beautiful testimony! That was truly clinging steadfastly. In this world where we are inundated with messages that we are created in and of matter: the type of food we eat can make us sick or healthy; running and exercise make us healthy and strong; an obsession with thinness; you choose the better part and God’s healing truth blessed you. And now, thanks to sharing this lovely experience, it has blessed all of us. Much love to you
Evan! Karen!! Wow! Thank you!!!
Thanks for sharing Karen. A great illustration!
Thank you Karen. This means a great deal to me today.
Thank you Evan. Such a timely post for me today.
Thanks so much, Karen, for sharing your experience. Clinging steadfastly and never getting discouraged is so important. Truth is ALWAYS the victor!
I am the child I am raising
I see my child growing
and standing on
Still unsure legs
Determined and unfazed
Playful… natural…. therefore
Not struggle or pain…
I also see my child’s belief
Of being vulnerable
Of fear of imagined things
Yet I know I will protect
And guide.. until my child
Finds.. she is me
Love this poem! Thank you for sharing it, Maximo!
Thank you one and all!
I look forward to reading this blog every day. This is another of great one, a reminder of what is truly accessible to those willing to cling to the truth of God’s love for his creation. Thank you Evan and Karen. And everyone for your inspiring comments. This is such a wonderful gift to start the day.
Thank you to all of you for your generous and loving comments. It gladdens my heart to know my healing has been a blessing to you all.
Thank you – Thank you Evan and Karen.
Evan, this is such a great way to think about clinging steadfastly, and as I was sitting here waiting for a cold to be over and a sprained ankle to be enough better by Friday so I can play a tennis match, it was a wake-up call to stop putting up with the false testimony of mortal mind and take a stand by clinging steadfastly to God and His idea.
And thank you Karen, for reminding us that it’s the constancy of knowing the truth, the persistence, insistence, and consistence for as long as it takes that’s important, because our goal is to demonstrate the truth, not to change what appears to be a material picture! I hope you submit this to the periodicals!
Thank you, Maximo. Lovely poem. And Karen’s post was fantastic.
Love, love, love it! Thank you Evan and thank you Karen for sharing your experience. (=
Thinking of the book sitting on the table… solid… weighted… gravity…. then realizing the book knows none of these…. it is I that is dreaming these qualities and assigning them to the book… what if I stop that dream… what happens to my experience of the book…….
Thank you book for the dream….
Wow … thank you Maximo the poem and
the book. Thanks Even for this article, I had just read the passage before seeing this article. It’s all good.
Thanks to everyone who responsed to evan’s marvelous post. Thanks to Evan.
Thanks a lot Evan for your todays blog – could it be that it means, we are the precious child in the strong protecting arms of devine Love, our heavenly Father, who loves us so much, that he protects us against everything unlike Him? Thats a great idea of your SV – just what I need!
a little correction: could it a l s o mean that w e are this precious bild (idea) …
Thanks Evan! This was so perfect for today. I have found myself clinging tightly to watch over all children and pets in the areas of my life as I go between all the homes God has allowed me to care for. God is answering all prayers and this makes me attune to watch and listen however the last couple of days they seemed more restless, louder more aggressive and found myself losing that calm assurance. This has helped me to let go, study the word and be thankful!
What a feast! Thank you all for sharing, it meant a lot to me today. I also loved the picture of the baby holding on to the Fathers finger with such childlike trust, just that touch of the Christ is needed.
So true Ines…Just a touch…’Touching the robe of Christ” or being touched in your prayers with a realization …We all know when this happens because it is our true nature experienced…….Even a small touch…Understanding….is magnified in Love, as this is the nature of Christ, enables us to experience God demonstrating in and thru us as we have our being in and of God…
Thank you Ines….reminding us a small touch is sufficient…..
Dear Evan,
You inspiring message has set me on a new course. I also want to thank Karen. Her message/healing was outstanding. Ginny and Maximo also gave me new insights, and Brenda summed it all up. Truly this share has been one of the best Christmas gifts I have received, and I am grateful Joyous blessings to you all!
Beautiful sharing. I was very inspired by Karen’s story. She didn’t give up . That is something I need to do. Don’t cave!
Thank you Evan and Karen. I am so grateful to have read the blog and comments as I was inclined to pass on to find another thought but now realise the importance of staying with the original idea or clinging to it.
Oh dear friends, thank you Evan, Karen, Uta, all, for sharing, and expanding ten-fold this favorite quote from the Christian Science textbook. Learned by heart and pondered hundreds of times in need, its showing me again the infinite power of God’s love for us and for each other. I’m so thankful for this! I’m singing praise with you Karen and feel we are all singing together.
Thanks to all for your comments, poem and testimonies. Love all the different ways God communicates to his children. Took awhile but I am learning to appreciate the special journey rather then just the outward results. Happy eternity to everyone. Evan thank you for this blog it is such a blessing.
So grateful for Evan and all the contributors. This blog is such a blessing.