Top Ten Lists

December 17, 2014 | 10 comments

December is the month of top ten lists. Have you noticed?

Movie critics review their top choices for flicks over the last year. Book editors mention their favorite books. Newspapers review the top ten disasters reported. And the list of lists rolls on.

There’s one type of list I haven’t noticed, though, but think might be far more educational and enlightening. How about lists of spiritual qualities in action?

For instance, a list of the top ten acts of patience expressed? Wouldn’t that be interesting, and probably sobering, to read? Or a list of the top ten acts of forgiveness? Maybe examples of unselfishness lived or generosity expressed with no money involved?

Just a thought…

10 thoughts on “Top Ten Lists”

  1. I believe this is a perfect one. It encourages me to do more in case I don’t have at least 10. of both. lol Thanks Evan for the sharing of your inspiring thought activity, it is healthier and merrier. Merry Christmas to one and all!

  2. Ten acts of patience and ten acts of forgiveness – a tall order to fill. But it helps us in gauging our spiritual growth. Patience and forgiveness are qualities of love and the most difficult ones to express. Its so easy to snap up and lose your cool, but difficult to express patience and poise. Its easy to keep a grudge but difficult to forgive.
    But if we love God more than anything else, we would love to be good, patient and forgiving. Christ Jesus was so patient and forgiving and even on the cross he forgave his perpetrators. Aught we not to follow his example by being more patient and forgiving?? and would this not be the best way of celebrating Christmas???

  3. Thank you Evan for turning thought to such a spiritual list making. I shall enjoy doing this.
    So appreciate the many ideas you share through this blog.

  4. The top ten healings my family has experienced through the practice of Christian Science! That’s the one I will be documenting today! Thank you, Evan, your creativity is inspiring!

  5. Just now noticed on the right side of SpiritView that 1,547,022 folks have visited this site so far. How wonderful! That’s an impressive “list of blessings to others,” Evan, and a fine example of sharing the Good. Thank you.

    And thank you, SpiritView fans, for your helpful comments.

    Peace, joy, power to us all.


  6. Great thought. I remember thinking that God doesn’t have any “to do” lists because his work is already done. We don’t have to wait to find out the number one team or number one song. At the top of the spiritual list would be the realization of the Christ, a feeling of the presence of God and then from within comes the assurance of God’s allness, omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience. The realization of God brings the demonstration of God, and we can expect manna to fall from the sky. Is there anything impossible to God?

  7. Yes, thank you! And for all of the helpful comments.
    I was thinking about the 10 Commandments…and giving examples from each on how we practiced them in our daily experiences.


  8. Evan,
    Thank you.

    I am actually now preparing TODOs for 2014. I will apply your advice.

    In regards to the published “Top Ten …”. There is so much bad news, fear, terror, celebrities, games, irrelevant, I avoid all the TV, tabloids, and such.

    The best source I could find in the world to find news of good deeds, people who make a difference, points of progress, what each of us could do, is the Christian Science Monitor.

  9. Thank you Evan, I too will be making my lists, different ones now. What a wonderful idea and so very helpful!

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